Bedroom Games 2

Sexy Scavenger Hunt

What you’ll need: A blindfold and at least five of your favorite lickable treats, such as chocolate syrup, honey, strawberry jam, and cinnamon sugar.

How to play: Maybe you’ve already experimented with edible bedroom treats, but for this game, you’ll be embarking on a tasty version of hide-and-seek. First, cover your man’s eyes with the blindfold. Then, place drops of different flavored foods on various parts of your body. For example, put a dollop of honey behind your ear, rub a little chocolate syrup along your lower stomach, or dab some maple syrup on your nipples or any other place you want to be licked. Then lie down and tell your guy to locate a specific taste treat — like the chocolate sauce — using his tongue to guide him. As he explores every naughty spot, he’ll get sweet surprises along the way. Once he’s savored all of your yummy parts, switch roles and taste him all over.

Passion payoff: The erotic anticipation will keep you both on high alert. "While he’s wondering what his tongue will find, you’ll be on pins and needles waiting to see what body part he’ll move to next," explains Bogart. 

Dirty Dice

What you’ll need: A pair of dice, a piece of paper, and a pen.

How to play: Write down the numbers 2 through 12 on a sheet of paper. Next to each number, you and your man should jot down a sex act that you both love (or would love to try). Then roll the dice and play out the move that corresponds to the number.

Passion payoff: "Not knowing what act you’ll roll next creates an element of surprise, increasing the sexual tension and building up the excitement," explains sex therapist Aline Zoldbrod, PhD, author of Sex Talk.

Touch Test

What you’ll need: A silky scarf, a plush towel, a cashmere sweater, a feather duster, a necktie, an oven mitt, a Popsicle or ice cube, and a dish of hand lotion (warmed in the microwave).

How to play: Have your man lie down naked and close his eyes — or even better, blindfold him. Use one item at a time to stroke his member and have him guess what each one is. If he gets it wrong, run the Popsicle over his package (just for a nanosecond; you don’t want to cause him pain) to give him an exciting, icy jolt. If he gets it right, reward him with a warm-lotion below-the-belt massage.

Passion payoff: "A man’s member is highly sensitive to a range of touches, so each tactile object you use will provide him with a uniquely sensual sensation," says clinical sexologist Patti Britton, PhD. Plus, the reward aspect of it is an exciting motivator.

Spotlight on Sex

What you’ll need: A mini flashlight or a penlight.

How to play: After you both get naked, turn out the lights and climb into bed. Then point the flashlight to a sexy area on your bod that you’d most like him to kiss or lick. Leave the light on that spot for as long as you’d like him to linger there. Once you’re satisfied, shine the flashlight on another pleasurable point. Keep repeating the point-and-shine tactic until he’s hit all of your favorite hot spots, then hand him the light force and let him point you in the right direction.

Passion payoff: "It’s a way to tell your partner where you like to be touched without actually having to say it," says Zoldbrod. "Plus, men are very visual. Highlighting your body parts provides incredible eye candy for your guy."

Lusty Lit

What you’ll need: Two or three racy books (some suggestions: The Sweet Spot, by Kayla Perrin; Bad Boys of Summer, by Lori Foster, Erin McCarthy, and Amy Garvey; or check out this month’s Red-Hot Read.

How to play: Flip through one of the books until you come across a steamy sex scene. Take turns reading it aloud to each other to get a sneak peek of what’s to come, then act out the scene, making sure to duplicate every delectable detail. When you’re done, turn to a new page with a hot scene — or pick a different book — and act that out.

Passion payoff: This is a surefire way to whet both of your erotic appetites. "Not only will it get you in the mood, but once you put the scenes into action, the role-playing and fantasizing will heighten the experience," says Britton.

Get-It-On Guessing Game

What you’ll need: A dirty mind.

How to play: When you and your guy go out to dinner (just the two of you), dare him to guess what underwear you’re wearing or what sex position you have on the brain or your favorite sexual encounter with him or any other sexy query you can think of. He can ask you five questions to clue him in, but if he doesn’t figure out the correct answer, then he has to grant you whatever racy request you make later that night. If he nails it though (no pun intended), you’ll have to make his lusty wish come true. Then it will be his turn to put you on the spot.

Passion payoff: "It can feel really naughty and taboo to be having such an X-rated conversation while other patrons are sitting nearby and the waitstaff is just going about their business," Zoldbrod points out. Also, while you’re waiting to collect on your booty bets, you’ll both be aching with anticipation thinking about what you know is going to happen when you get home. So once you make it a reality, the act will turn out to be that much hotter.


Guaranteed not to send you to sleep, this erotic storytelling game will have you up all night.

You’ll Need: A selection of juicy erotic fiction, a seductive, candlelit room, and a sense of adventure.

To Play: Before the games begin, spend some time with your partner selecting some appropriate bedtime reading material. There’s plenty of lusty literature on the market from the fairly tame Mills and Boon-style depictions to descriptions so hot the ink practically drips off the page. Anthologies of erotic literature are a great place to start, acting as a sampler for the erotic fiction novice. When the mood strikes, reach for your naughty storybooks, light some candles and retire with your partner for the night. But before you nod off

, you must read each other a bedtime story. Scan your chosen book for a passage that’s hot and inspiring, and then take it in turns with your partner to read a few lines out loud. By the end of the passage, sleep will be the last thing on your mind, so put your powers of recall to the test and try to recreate the action of the scene you’ve just read.


Be a poker stud with this naughty spin on the card game craze that’s sweeping the world.

You’ll Need: A deck of playing cards, clothing to use as betting chips.

To Play: Most of us know the basic rules and winning hands of poker. While it is useful to know how to make the best of the cards you are dealt, that’s hardly the point with this adults-only version of the casino favorite. Each player starts the game wearing no more than six articles of clothing (Tip: Now’s the time to break out your best silky underwear or other dress-up items). The cards are dealt as usual; the person with the losing hand has to take off one item of clothing. And when the chips — and your pants — are down, play continues with each partner wagering sexual favors in lieu of removing clothing. Suddenly the notion of a ‘winning hand’ takes on a whole new meaning…



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These games are quite fun. I can’t wait to play them sometime soon.