Anyway to Ride him and not be scared to death?

I um have a question… What are some positions for er bigger women? I mean yea the others work, but i dunno. Is there any way I could ride him without being scared to death of hurting him… Cuz that’s like my biggest fear…

Your not the only one who is scared of hurting him when you get on top, but there is really no reason to be scared of hurting him. You won’t. If you think about it, most times when a girl gets on top she is on her knees, once in a while she isn’t on them, but i’m not talking about them right now. So when you are on top of him you aren’t really on him as much as you think you are… Yes you are on him to the point that you can feel him inside you and even feel his legs under you and so on, but you are also on your knees as well, so that is taking some of the weight off of him that you think is on him.

If you still feel like you are going to or you are hurting him, ask him to tell you if you do, this way you can move another way to make it so you aren’t hurting him, but I don’t think you would end up hurting him.

Though hear is a way that will let you be on top but not feel as though you are hurting him. Don’t sit up when you are on top of him, put your hands on the bed, either by his head or by his side, I think by his head is easier but that’s me. In this position you will be on your knees and you hands, and when you move down on him it will just be him going in and out of you as you move up and down on him. You can even do this with the reverse cowgirl (facing his feet instead of his head).

You can also sit on a couch or even a chiar (with no arms). On the couch you would sit down on him but not sit down all the way on him, it would be like you were starting to rise but stopped before he got out of you,  you can either move on him by moving up and down on him, or he could lift up into you. On a chair you would stand in front of him your legs on either side of him and then you would bend your knees enough so he would enter you, and then just keep going from there.

There may be more, but this is all I can think of as for now. I hope it does help you. I don’t think I need to say any of positions, but if you would like more you can always go to my site (Link is at the end of this post) and look up Sex Positions and see if there is something there you haven’r done yet. You never know there may be. 😀 Take Care, and hope this helped.



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Sex*Goddess’s Guide


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