Another day, Another thought…

Feeling down and out is never good… Feeling lonely and depressed is never good either, so why is it I have to feel that way now? I was fine not 10 minutes ago; but now I just want to hide in a corner and not think about anything. Fat chance of that happening, the more I try not to think they more I end up thinking. Lovely thing to happen don’t you think? Life has a way of turning things around on you when you didn’t think it would… well there is one way I can kind of not think to much and get out of this feeling, hopefully, and that’s to talk about something else…

Good news though, I got back to talking with a friend a few days ago. Someone I haven’t talked to since, I don’t even remember when. It nice to be able to talk to him again…kind of weird in a way he was one of the reason I broke up with Shaun. They are friends, yet why I was with Shaun I thought about his friend a bit more then I should have, that kind of tells you something, at least it did me. Anyway…. even though I stopped talking to Shaun(don’t feel like saying why I stopped talking to him) I would wonder about his friend, after all I came to think of him as my friend as well. It’s nice to know that he thought about me not to long before I sent him a message in FB. Just goes to show you, you never know who will be thinking about you. It’s also nice that someone hot is thinking about you. 🙂 Just had to throw that in there.

Other news…. hoping that I can get his one job I am trying for, won’t know anything till next week,(Now that I got someone on the phone) see if they will call me in for an interview. With the holidays she doesn’t have time to call people in from what she told me, I can understand that, but don’t you think you would make time a bit more to get the help you need because the holidays are so close? Maybe that’s just my way of thinking, I don’t know. Just have to hope that I get a call and can get the job. Would be nice to be able to get out of here for a few hours and have some money…. I can even help my brother out a bit with food or what ever. Only time will tell what will happen.

Well I am going to get back to my show then get some sleep, not good staying up all night, but that’s me…

Be Safe all!

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