A Guy’s Perfect Women Would…

Well hello everyone, I know it has been a while sense I have put a post up that doesn’t have to do with a question, and I also know that I should be answering the rest of my questions but honestly I don’t want to answer anymore right now. I will get to them later on or tomorrow I promise; right not I just wanted to post these two things I found online.

I was looking around online, like I always do , and I came to a site that I haven’t been to in a long time. I would put the link up but I can’t think off it off hand, if I do I will post it up, if I don’t then I won’t and I won’t end up back there again either till I find it.  Anyway, I saw a link that said "A Guy’s Perfect Women Would…" Would what I wondered so I had to click on it and see what it was all about.

So I thought I would post it up for you all to read, and guys if any of these are not true please let us know, and if all of them are true let us know that to, and also if there are more you would like to add be my guest! This is a post for the guys, I can’t let you feel as though I don’t care about you enough to had a post just for you.  Here we go!

A guy’s Perfect Woman Would…
Not be offended by occasional B.O
Not mind when he watches another woman walk by.
Look like Uma Thurman in a bikini. (Sorry I just had to say something about this one, now out of all the women in the world who is famous, why on earth say URM THURMAN!!! Come on now! Geez!)
Organize his CD collection.
Have a comic collection bigger then his.
Not mind that he subscribes to Playboy.
Always pay for their restaurant tabs.
Be a certified masseuse.
Instinctively turn on "The Simpsons" every night.
Have a beer open for him when he gets home from work.
Have eyes for only him.
Be a master at playing Tezas Hold ‘Em.
Hug him tightly, and never laugh, if he has a nightmare.
Think tighty-whities are just as cool as boxers.
Love playing air Hockey.
Never make him own a poodle.
Perfer to spend money on vacation instead of clothes.
Tell him the secret trick to not losing socks in the laundry.
Let him eat as many doughnuts as he wants.
Support his belief that one day he will indeed win the lottery.
Argee they shouldn’t celebrate Valentine’s Day because it’s a Hallmark holiday.
Understand that boy’s night out means just that-boys only.
Know how to belch the national anthem.
Know the difference between a touchdown and a touchback.
Have a sloppy joes recipe to die for.
Love eating cake and not complain it will go straight to her thighs.
Think marriage is an outdated institution.
Perger to elope instead of having eight bridesmaids.
Be OK with it if his best friend had to move in for a few months.
Never complain that football season is too long.
Let him have complete control over the remote control.
Perfer to spend the night playing video games rather then going to a play.
Know how to do trick shots in a pool hall.
Let him stay home all day while she goes to work.
Be able to toss back beer like a man.
Dress like Nicole Kidman but be able to hang with the boys like Russell Crowe.
Be able to summarize current events so he doesn’t have to read the paper.
Love her friends just enough but not too much.
Let him keep his beloved couch when they move in together.
Have a tattoo in just the right place.
Never mention how cute she thinks Johnny Depp is.
Never turn into her mother.
not make him do the dishes. Ever.
Laugh at his jokes, even the dumb ones he’s told twice before.
Refrain from making him watch chick flicks.
Have a detailed case for which Bond actor she likes best.
Just tell him bluntly what she wants for her birthday.
Be ok with it if he just gave her a gift certificate for Christmas.
Help him choose his outfits so he doesn’t dress badly.
Think staying in bed all day when you’re not sick is perfectly fine.

Now some of these I can se and agree with, and some of them are kind of funny, but I’m not saying that they can’t be true, though some of them I can’t see some girls doing or agreeing with, that’s only because I know some who won’t.


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January 10, 2006

not get annoyed when we men leave the seat up. we need it up and women need it down. you a grown person, you can lower the seat. LOL. have a good day. that was part of the email joke mens rules that were going down. Have a good one, M

January 10, 2006

Wow. Most of these are pretty self centered. There are a lot more things that are more important to men and less degrading to women. If you’re dating a guys that insists you do his housework and wait on him hand and foot while he’s getting his rocks off to another girl, get out now.

January 10, 2006

I’m almost perfect – why did my fiance leave me? *grumble*

January 10, 2006

Oh, and my above comment is just a comment, it’s not a question to be answered here.