10 Signs Your Spouse May Be Having…

Top Ten Signs Your Spouse May Be Having an On-Line Affair

I have read all kinds of things online as I’m sure everyone has, though this is the first time I believe I have read this and I thought I would post it up… I know alot of people have had their own fun online, I can not say I never had because then I would be lying; I can say that I have not done these, well one… I wonder if anyone has. lmao

10. Lately she sits at the computer naked.
I can’t say I would like the idea of this, knowing the person I am with is doing this with someone else, but I would like to see him sitting naked playing around. 😉
9. After signing off, he always has a cigarette.
I don’t think this is a sign that he/she is having an affair, unless the only time that he/she smokes is after he/she cums.
8. The giant rubber inflatable disk drive.
I really don’t know what to say about this….lol
7. In the morning, the computer screen is all fogged up.
Now if I get up and my computer screen is fogged up I don’t think I would want to know what the hell happened!
6. He’s gotten amazingly good at typing with one hand.
Typing with one hand I have done, though I can’t say it has gotten good, after all I’m more in to what I am doing then how I am typing… I don’t know about you. 🙂
5. She makes sarcastic remarks about your "software".
Software no Hardware yes….:)
4. Lipstick on the mouse.
What? Who would even think about having the mouse close to their lips? That is just weird!
3. During sex, she screams "A colon backslash enter insert!"
That would just be to damn funny to hear. lol
2. The fax file is filled with pictures of someone’s butt.
Why just the butt? There are other parts that would be good to see.
1. The jam in the laser printer is a pair of underwear.
I guess that is why you should be naked when you are doing this in front of the computer…;)

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April 7, 2011


April 7, 2011


April 7, 2011


April 7, 2011

Things pressed up against a scanning plate never look good anyway. I’m disturbed that I know this.

April 8, 2011

Lol xD