Survey Says…

1. Three things I want to say to three different people.

  1. Someday, you’re going to miss this.
  2. I swear I only want the best for you; I’m not the enemy.
  3. Please stop doubting yourself; I swear you are AMAZING.

2. One of my insecurities.

Am I enough?

3. What turns me on?

Soft touches, whispers, true intimacy

4. One of my bad habits:

Trying to do and be everything for everyone.

5. Who I wish I could be.

I wouldn’t want to be anyone else.

6. Where I want to be right now.

On a beach with a fruity drink in my hand, a book in my lap, and a friend next to me.

7. The last thing I ate.

Lucky Charms cereal

8. Sexiest person that comes to my mind immediately.

Ryan Reynolds

9. What song I’m currently listening to.

Nothing. The TV is on the background.

10. The last time I cried and why.

Christmas. Because I was exhausted and disappointed. And probably overreacting.

11. Something I’m excited about.

Our anniversary this summer. I’m hoping to make a little trip, just the two of us.

12. 5 things I like about myself and 5 things I dislike about myself.


  1. I’m pretty organized
  2. I’m empathetic
  3. My ability to be content with what I have
  4. That I have had so many interesting (to me) jobs
  5. I like to have fun and go on adventures


  1. I procrastinate
  2. I’m tired all. the. time.
  3. I let people walk all over me
  4. My weight & the fact that it is so important to me
  5. I sometimes put my foot squarely in my mouth

13. Three things I want right now.

  1. Sleep
  2. Food
  3. Make Up

14. Are you wearing a necklace, who got it for you, where’s it from?



15. How long was your last phone conversation?

I talked to my husband today while I was at the Secretary of State trying to transfer a vehicle title. It was a under five minute conversation.

16. What are you looking forward to?

  1. Seeing my son graduate – although I am also dreading it
  2. The weekend
  3. Warmer weather. Soon please?

17. Did you get anything off your chest today?

No and I don’t have enough cares to give to have any kind of substantive conversation with anyone about anything.

18. How many rings do you usually wear?

One – my wedding ring. If I’m getting dressed up, I usually add two or three more.

19. Would you rather go to Canada or California on vacation?

California – I’ve only been there once.

20. Are you wearing jeans, shorts, sweatpants or pajama pants?

Leggings – which are mostly pajama pants for me

21. Do you call it fall or autumn?

Usually fall

22. Are you an emotional person?

Not horribly but more emotional than logical

23. It’s 2 in the morning and you get a text message, who is it most likely from?

My sister or my niece. They know I’m usually up late.

24. Do you like long car rides?

Sometimes – if it’s leisurely and we can stop often and site-see along the way, it’s fun. I love traveling with my husband and kids.

29. Would you like the ability to read minds?

No, I get my feelings hurt too easily as it is. Imagine if I knew all the unsaid things that people thought.

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