On Leave

I’m on leave. I stood down as parish priest two weeks ago and the parish will be looked after by visiting priests on weekends. I’m not sure how long I’ll be on leave for but I doubt it will be less than a month.

I’d thought about using Open Diary as a means of keeping a record of my experience but that would mean detailing much of the story, which I’m loathe to do, at least at this stage. And only telling some of the story would be frustrating for readers.

I’m doing okay, and I have the support of some wonderful people.

A good and well-respected parishioner died on Monday and the funeral is tomorrow; the disappointing thing (for me, the family, and the parish) is that I am unable to be present at the funeral.

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I have no idea what this is al about, but it seems to involve pain for you- I’m sad to think that is so. May you be comforted. I hope it is not long before you can minister to your friends.