Another small breakthrough for gay rights

I read recently where one of the major mainstream churches in Australia, the Uniting Church, has voted to allow the ordination of gay ministers. Good for them! Maybe other churches in that country will sson follow suit.

No doubt there will be some members of the Uniting Church membership who will be distressed with this turn of events; and that is their right. But why is it always the presumption that all gay people are always sexually active, looking for sex 24/7? I agree that a gay minister who participates in casual sex is not a good example. But is this any different from a straight minister doing the same thing? Of course not! And if the minister concerned is in a stable monogomous relationship, then what’s the problem? If gays had the right to marry in accordance with the marriage laws of whatever country in which they live, then even better. But until gay people share the same rights as straight people, then that avenue is not available to them.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church acknowledges that gay and lesbian people do not choose their sexuality. The why shouldn’t they be ordained?

May more denominations follow the example set in Australia by the Uniting Church.

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especially in the catholic church, when priests are meant to be celibate, i don’t see how one’s sexuality can be considered.

yeah, that is awesome..thanks for spreading the news..!! how encouraging. St8 always say us gays are so loose in our sex..if we were why are we fighting so hard for the right to marry each’s silly..

I am a confirmed catholic…if that means anything anymore…but more than half the stuff the church believes, I totally disagree with… therefore I do not go to church. But that doesn’t mean I don’t still believe.

RYN: Thanks for your note and your presence. It is so rewarding to know that there are people like you behind the faith at a time like this for me. I have just recently found my way back. I’m glad to know you are there.

Awesome! Before, like say, 30 years or so ago, it was illegal for a black person to marry a white person in the USA. Now, any interracial couple can go anywhere and be married, anytime. I’m confident that someday, maybe in 30 years, gays will be recognized as people, and be able to marry in a church legally. I really hope so… Peace out.

Yes, it has been a painful-seeming process, as we have seen it on TV, at any rate. I’m sure that there are many sincerely well-meaning people who think that if only we could go back to how things used to be, life would be better, but whether they like it or not, humanity is creeping in, not to mention sanity. May it happen so that as few as possible are hurt.

All mankind is divided into three classes: those that are immovable, those that are movable, and those that move. –Benjamin Franklin

ggrrrr, i hat racism like this. in the end, we are all the same people. the only difference is our sexual prefence… thats IT!! arrr. yes, stereotypes suck 😛 ~!Alex