1st Sunday in Lent

The season of Lent commenced with Ash Wednesday last Wednesday. Today is the 1st Sunday in Lent. The Old Testament text for today is Genesis 9:8-15, and the gospel text is Mark 1:12-15. Here’s the homily:

Visitors to the Aran Islands off Ireland are amazed at the number of rainbows that arch through the skies surrounding the islands. As one rainbow fades, another can be spied peeking over the sea in a different direction. Some are half bows, others full arcs. Some are pastel in hue as they fade into the sea. Others appear nearly neon as they brighten the sky. When conditions are right, it seems impossible to count all the rainbows that may appear during a day. In awe of the beauty of these spectacles, a visitor asked an Aran Island resident about her response to the frequency of rainbows. The resident shrugged her shoulders and replied, “Oh, we just try to ignore them.” For her, the rainbows have become too common.

Unfortunately, we can let the rainbow of God’s covenant with Noah become too common with us too. When we do, we start slipping back into our old ways. That ‘s why we need Lent to turn our heads once more to the rainbow and remind us of God’s everlasting kindness.

Jesus was forty days in the desert. This reminds us of the great prophet Elijah’s forty day fast, and Moses’ forty days on the mountain with God, and the forty-year trek of the Israelites through the desert.

Jesus confronted the wild beasts and demons of his life in the desert. During Lent we confront our wild beasts and demons. And we have the assurance of God’s help, as Noah and those early ones had the assurance of the covenant God set up with them in the rainbow.

So, how many rainbows have you seen in your life today?

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March 8, 2003

Good deal. Hope you have an absolutly wonderful day. You are in my prayers. (: 1 Corinthians 14:1

March 8, 2003

I love seeing rainbows. I like the comparison.

One of the greatest valentines I ever received was a beautiful Valentine from God on Valentine’s day — a rainbow in the sky.