Colourless Rain

And yet again, I have to turn to a song for my title, though in this case I refuse to quote directly.

Last Saturday, or maybe it was the one before, was not my last. But tomorrow is. Or, I should say, will be. I am definitely leaving on Monday. It is time. My birthday will be spent in London, whatever I want.

So here, after many pomegranate maritnis, I am poised to go out, maybe for the last time in a long while. I am, more than ever, ready for the move, ready for the change, ready for the challenge. I relish novelty, and I hope that the next few months will be as productive as any time in my life (qv, previous entries).

Another couple of bottles done with, but my gym-pounding has been comprehensive – and I have felt confident enough to venture forth into the sauna and steam room there for the first time in years. I am not yet thin, but I am thinner.

We will overcome…

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