I’m still around. Just not on this site much. Seems like I have the same thing going on in my life. Work Mon-Fri. Weekends are fairly boring.
We never went camping last weekend. The camping was for people in the open relationship lifestyle. I had my period. Didn’t really want to be around many people. And I wouldn’t have been able to do anything. That weekend was a little cool and rainy all weekend anyway.
I had my 4 year review at work on Thursday. It went well. My raise is pending approval from HR and my boss’s boss. Boss asked me what specific jobs I like doing. Asked if I want to stay in 1 place or bounce around. Boss says I get along with my fellow coworkers. Honestly, don’t care for most of my coworkers. Barely talk to them. There is 1 that currently annoys me a lot at the moment. He’s been at the company since last November. He is early/mid 20s. He acts like he runs the joint, has listening issues, and doesn’t do his part in cleaning; claiming it’s not worth anything to clean.
Been hot here lately. Temps 85-100 this week and for this weekend.
If you don’t have strong feelings about whether you want to be in one place or move around, tell them whatever benefits the company the most. A company appreciates having options with an employee and it makes you more valuable.
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