Palm Sunday

Good morning!

Today is Palm Sunday! I can’t believe that Easter 2000 is near! Where do the days go? I do declare that as soon as you turn 25 your days go as thunder before a storm!

I did get a fair night’s sleep. I am still tired, though. My back is bothering me AGAIN! Well, with my scoliosis it will be bothering me for the rest of my life. I will just have to take my medication and do those sit-up excercises and other back-friendly excercises. ‘wink’ >{:=)

My brother and his wife came over yesterday.

He did install my MSN Messenger without any comments.

He also installed the Napster V2 mp3/chat software!

Now I can find all and any songs I want! This is awesome!!! I can share my mp3’s with all mp3’s afficionados all over the world…including with Alex!!! 😀 I can’t wait for him to come on-line to send him the software via my computer! My brother also informed me that he finished recording 3 cool CD’s on MP3 format I promised Alex! Hurray!!!! I shall go over to his house and collect it later today. I asked him to record the TKA CD with the hit song “When I Die” and “Maria” on it, and two other cool CD’s on his CD burner so I can send to Axle Bear. I shall be buying my own CD burner shortly….so I can do it right here!!!

I need a warm shower soon. I also need some breakfast. I did have a cup of Java this morning. I am not hungry though. I need to maintain my present weight.


Well, soon my surprise from Axle will arrive.

I am so excited!

I love him so!!!!

SensualRose @}>->->->->-

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