I’m An Official Brit!

Wholly, COW!!!  WOW!!!!  I am soooooooooooooo happy!!!   At lunchtime this afternoon the doorbell rang and my husband ran downstairs to receive the postman.  There was a recorded delivery for me.  IT WAS MY INDEFFINATE LEAVE TO REMAIN APPLICATION AND DOCUMENTS!!!  Both my husband and I stared at each other and our hearts leapt.  Neither of us wanted to open it!  Then, Alex got the courage and opened it.  I GOT THE INDEFFINATE LEAVE TO REMAIN!!! ;o)  i AM AN OFFICIAL BRIT!!!  My Passport is stamped   INDEFFINATE LEAVE TO REMAIN STATUS!!!  The conditions have been removed on my stay and I am now a legal, bonifide Residence of the United Kingdom!!! 

Both Alex and I cried and hugged each other.  Now all our worries and anxieties ( not that there were any really) are over!  The wait is over and the response was possitive!   Next year I will be applying for British Citizenship!!!


  It is the 1 of May today!  There is a big to do at Maudlene Bridge.  Every year there is a parade and every year students throw themselves from the bridge and many break their legs on the shallow water of the Cherwell River.

May Day celebrations in Oxford

http://www.istc.org/sisp/index.htm?fx=event&event_id=30549  (May Day Celebrations in Oxford)

May Day celebration is a pagan festival celebrating Beltane.  In the Roman Catholic Church May Day celebrates the Virgin Mary since May is the month dedicated to the Virgin Mary.


Mrs Aris

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