*yawns, bodily*

Mooooooooooorning kids!

Well it’s 5:30 in the AM, and I just got home from work.  Holy ridiculous!  I was doing what has now become my regular Friday night file maintenance shift, but Adam didn’t show, so there were only two of us doing it…so we ended up staying an extra hour and now I’m mondo tired.  Also, I worked every day this week, so I’m just kinda sick of work at the moment.  It’s all I’ve been doing!  And I’ve got Saturday off (although technically I’ve already worked 5 hours into it), but it’s back at ‘er again on Sunday.  It’s a weird shift too, 2-6, only 4 hours.

Complaining aside, though, I GOT A RAISE!  Only 15 cents, but still.  Worth mentioning, I reckon!  This is the longest I’ve ever had a job, and I’m pretty proud of myself.  Also, I was called in to the office last week, and Kathleen and Jasmine were both there and they said they’ve been batting around this idea for a while, and they want to start training me for some supervisor stuff.  So that’s cool.  I dunno if it’ll be more pay, I doubt it somehow, but we’ll see how she goes.  And after I work on Sunday, I’m off ’til Tuesday!  By Sunday, I will have worked 36 hours this week…not bad for a part-timer.  I’m down to 16 hours next week though, plus 8 for file maintenance on Friday.  And it’s the gross, once-a-month, ’til-6-AM one.  Ugh, I am not looking forward to it.

However…it will alllllll be worth it when I have the weekend off for my birthday and I’m partying it up on the World’s Largest Pubcrawl IN HALIFAX!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOO YEAH!!

Also, I feel the need to mention that this crush on a co-worker that I have is getting out of hand.  We worked together for just over an hour this week, but I was on cash 3 and she was on Speedy so we were miles apart, but every time I turned around (which wasn’t often, cuz we were wicked busy that day), she was looking at me and would smile.  Then she was off before I was and she made a point of stopping at my cash to say goodbye to me, and I got butterflies.  Like I said…getting out of hand, and erring on the side of ridiculous.  It’s fun though   Still haven’t been able to suss out whether she digs the chicks or not.  Oh, and she was working ’til close when I showed up for my file maintenance shift tonight, and I went through her cash with my sandwich for break, and she was sort of dawdling through it, and I like to think it’s so she could talk to me longer.  Ginette came in line behind me though, so she had to speed up after that.  I went upstairs and was writing my name on my sandwich container when I heard the punch-clock beeping outside the door and got inwardly excited cuz I knew she’d be walking in any second.  She told me she’d love to stay and talk a bit, but her ride was waiting.  We did chat a little while she was getting her coat and things though, and she asked me if when I make my pizza, did I make the dough too.  I told her yes I did, and she said I’d have to give her the recipe cuz she made pizza the other night and her crust turned out too thin.  And that my pizza was "so amazing".  She also said we’d have to "complain to management" about not working together more, heh.  Maaaaaaaaaaaan I’m dorky.  But she’s so fucking cute!

So that’s it really.  Other than the fact that my dad’s been home about a week and a half.  Couple minor fights, nothing too serious.  I think we get along better now than we ever have, and I believe the massive amounts of time apart is contributing to that.  Also, he checked over my taxes for me and caught some things I missed, so it’s lucky he came home when he did, haha.  He’s here ’til Easter, so he’ll miss my birthday, but that’s alright, cuz I won’t be here anyway!  Oh yeah, before I left for work earlier, my mum mentioned to me that they’d been to Zellers and seen Sarah.  Apparently she asked after me, whether I was still working at Sobeys, how I was doing, etc.  Huh.  It must be eating her alive that I still haven’t replied to that message.  I can’t imagine seeing her now, it would just be a giant mass of awkwardness and anger seething under the surface.  I mean, what could either of us say?

Me: Sorry I didn’t reply yet…
Sarah: Oh that’s okay, I know I was pretty harsh, it must have been hard to not tear me a new one after reading that.
Me: Right on.


Really though, I haven’t seen her in months, and I think not going to the bar every Friday is partly why.  Because really, I never saw her anywhere other than that, aside from the times I went to her house or out for coffee.  Oh, and once for dinner, for my birthday last year.  Wow, it’s been almost a year since all that crap with Nigel.  That’s incredible.  I must say though…I don’t miss her company as much as I thought I would.  I’ve been getting on just fine without her, and in fact I think my mood has IMPROVED.  I’m not constantly worrying about what she thinks, and whether she likes me, or wasting time being jealous of guys at the bar.  This is nice…and I think maybe, eventually, we could be friends again.  But never the same as before, never as close.  I don’t think I want to let her in that much again.

So…looks like with lack of anything exciting in life to write about, I’m left to reflect once more.  But aren’t we having fun kids??  Learning is great!  Also, I would like to go to Spain.  Perhaps next summer.  Oh, and I intend to go back to Edmonton again, at the end of July, and hopefully be able to stay long enough (or get there early enough) for my first little niece or nephew to be born while I’m there!  It’s looking more and more like the Wales family reunion won’t be happening this year, but I WOULD like to get to Edmonton.  I ordered a couple of books for the niece- or nephew-to-be from the bookstore, and they arrived a couple weeks ago.  They’re soooo cute.  The two of them are part of a series about a little girl and her stuffed bunny (Knuffle Bunny), and the pages are black and white photos of New York city streets and other locations within the city, with cartoons of the girl, her family and her bunny drawn over top.  Interesting idea, and amusing in a safe kind of way.  I half want to keep them lol.

But back to the travelling train of thought, Grace asked me if I wanted to go to Boston with her, Jennifer and Alicia in April.  It’s a semi-attractive idea, but I just don’t think I could afford it if I want to go to Edmonton as well, plus the trip to the city will set me back a bit.  And if I keep flitting off here, there and everywhere, I’m never going to save anything.  There’s no real pull for Boston that makes me think, "Oh yeah, I have to blow off any other commitments for this!"  And I can’t help thinking that once on the trip, we might split into pairs, and while I’d prefer to explore Boston with Grace, I’d probably end up with Alicia because we’ve known

each other longer, we’re the same age, and she’d be expecting it.  And vice versa with Jennifer and Grace.  Of course, I could be wrong.  But I doubt I’ll find out, cuz I think I’m going to tell her no.  I’m getting better at this saying no to people thing!

And with that…it’s now 6 AM and I’m beat.  Goodnight all!


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March 15, 2008

Boston, psh, you should go to Florida. It’s warm here.

April 9, 2008

At least your work crush gives you something to think about while you’re there! Entertainment of some sort I guess you could say? There is only one other girl in my office and aside from being far from my type she is painfully straight, so I’m out of luck! Does your “gaydar” beep for her at all? 🙂