wtf OD?…and this weekend

Oui allo!

So it’s been a crapshoot getting on OD the last couple days, but right now it appears to be working *crosses fingers*, so here goes!

After a few semi-stressful days of planning, figuring, ditching previous ideas, and generally exercising my brain power to its full extent….I have a plan for this weekend!!  And just in time too, since it’s already Thursday.  I’ve just been over it with my mum and amazingly she found no fault with it.  I really did my homework this time!! 

So…I AM going to Halifax tomorrow, and the entire weekend is going to be pretty much spectacular.  Friday I’m taking the bus down in the morning, and arriving around lunchtime, where I will then take a city bus to get to Leslie’s place.  We’re gonna chill for the rest of the day pretty much until I have to leave in order to be at Peddler’s for 10:30 to meet up with Sam.  Phew.  Then from there we move on to the Dome/Cheers, dunno what time.  It’s nowhere near as organized as an actual pubcrawl, and Sam herself was telling me yesterday or the day before that she’s just sorta given up on it being a well-oiled machine, and whatever happens, happens, and whoever shows, shows.  After the Dome/Cheers, it’s on to Tribeca.  I’ve scarcely heard about this place, but according to a friend of a friend, it’s the city’s best kept secret, soooo we shall see!!  I’m excited, just from the name haha.  Sooooooooo yes.  It’ll be a night of drunkenness, to say the least (oh I know, surprise right??), but I’m not sure what else it’s going to be a night of.  I think I think I THINK, Sam might just be interested in someone else, but I just don’t know.  I dunno if it’s my overactive imagination or whether my suspicions are well-founded or what.  Or whether it’s ME she’s interested in?  I doubt that, somehow.  *sigh*

11:44:38 PM
yes, i’m still basically in the position as yesterday about whether i’m making it to Hali…urgh.

11:44:47 PM
go go gooooo!

11:45:09 PM
oh well if that’s how it is, then yes!! hahaha

11:45:55 PM

11:46:28 PM
haha boy oh boy…i guess that was some needed inspiration!

11:47:14 PM

I mean, she even said she doesn’t care if other people don’t go, but she IS sorta making an effort to let me know I’m wanted there, right?  Ahhh I’m so tired of uncertainty.  But I’m determined to have a good time, no matter what happens, and if it looks like she’s into somebody else or anything like that, I’ll just give Leslie a call and go somewhere else instead.  I’m staying at Leslie’s anyway, so she’ll be expecting it.  Cuz I don’t think it would be in my best interest to stick around if she’s clearly intending to end up with someone else, I’d just end up moping or saying something I don’t mean.  Right now I’d say I’m…not detached, necessarily…just not putting too much stock in what could happen.  I’m just going to let the night flow as it will.  Yep.  I keep telling myself…

On Saturday, I’m basically gonna bum around Halifax during the day, I have no real concrete plans in place…and then in the evening I’m going over to Kate’s, where I will stay until Sunday afternoon, likely.  Which is not to say we won’t leave her apartment haha, I just mean I’ll be with Kate for that time period, and probably her boyfriend Mike on Saturday evening.  We had hoped Tiana could join us, since she just moved to the city at the end of August herself, but she’s got a lot of schoolwork to do I guess.

Sunday is going to be pretty sweet too, cuz after I leave Kate’s, I’ll be meeting up with Leslie again and eventually making it to Gus’s Pub in the evening to see a band that I’ve

recently discovered, Speedy Recovery!  Sleep to Dream and some other band whose name I forget are opening for them.  The lead singer of Speedy Recovery has told me via myspace to ask around for him, and he’ll get me a copy of their CD single.  So I’m pretty psyched for that as well!!

Anyway, I still have a hundred things to do, like pack, and do laundry, so I think that’s it for now kids!!  Wish me luck with everything!


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September 20, 2007

good luck good luck have fun!

September 21, 2007

have lots of fun. dont get too drunk. and keep your pants on, unless it’s a pretty girl. in which case, i want pictures. lol. 😉

good luck my sweetie! xxx

i is all caught up now… phew… i am sooo sad i missed out on that..damn OD for messin up..arg… well i back now.. and i am a regular on nernerner… lol..!!! love yas !! xx