While the rest of the world sleeps…

…I am fighting villains and saving said world!

Except not really, but that’s a lot more dramatic and interesting than "I just got home from work and am not sleepy so I’m going to write in my online diary.", no?  So yes.  I just walked home from work, and it was actually quite pleasant!  Still a slight chill to the air, but spring is finally here.  It is exactly 5 AM!  I was really dreading going in tonight, cuz I had a massive headache when I woke up…but that passed, and I got to work and Tamara was there.  Happy days   It ended up being just me and Adam working, and Jenn helped too, but she was mostly in the back office.  Patti had called in sick I guess.  So Jenn warned us that we might be there past 4, but I actually finished at exactly 4, it was eerie.  I had to do fresh departments, as well as pharmacy and then helped Adam finish grocery.  Phew!  And Nightshift Nick from grocery was there tonight, and I’ve never been sure what to make of him, but he started chatting to me and he’s really nice.  So that’s good, one more friendly face at work!  Ashlee on cash is someone that I’m pretty sure hates me, for reasons unknown to me.  She’s always glaring at me, and never actually talks to me anymore.  I half-wonder if it’s cuz of that whole Helen leaving fiasco, but she should realize that that wasn’t my fault, and it’s not fair to treat me like this.  It really puts a downer on my shift if I’m working with Ashlee nowadays.  We used to get along fine…oh and Christina once told me that Ashlee had said to her that I was "kinda weird", and Christina thought that was really funny because she thinks ASHLEE’S weird.  In her words, "At least you’re not dating some 30 year old guy!"

So…work crap aside.  I had plans to hang out with Courtney (and Matt) on Saturday night, but when I was talking to her on the phone on Wednesday, she had a call waiting beep from Matt’s mom, who is apparently in the hospital.  Then I got a message on my machine the next day while I was at work, from Courtney saying that she’d have to cancel for Saturday cuz they’d be in Truro.  So I think maybe something’s happened with Matt’s mom; I hope she’s okay!

I have the house to myself for two weeks.  My mum left on Wednesday morning.  She’s flown to Ottawa to visit my dad for a couple weeks, and while she’s there, they’re going to see Gordon Lightfoot.  There’s one song that I hope he’ll play, cuz it’ll be romantic for them since it was played as they were walking down the aisle at their wedding.  It’s on a record that I bought my mum last summer, which is how I found out.  I hadn’t known before that, buying that same record was pure coincidence and kinda cool.

So yesss….life has really lamed along since I got back from Halifax.  I’m sooo close to living there myself, but it still seems far away as I go through the day-to-day of life here.  It doesn’t help that most of my friends here are gone now…either in the city, K’ville, or different provinces entirely.  I’m anxious to get out of here and it’s making me frustrated in the meantime.  Grace wrote on my wall on Facebook the other day about how she hasn’t seen or heard from me in ages…which is true.  I was a little put off by the last time we tried making plans (actually, it was all her idea to begin with) and she more or less blew me off and went to the movies with Charles instead.  After years and years of similar occurrences (with other girls), I refuse to be put aside in favour of a boyfriend who may or may not last.  However, it’d be nice to see her again, I always have fun when I’m with her, and for the most part, she’s been one of the sweetest people to me.  Maybe I’ll give her a call tomorrow, as it’s my day off.  Next week is gonna SUCK.  All our shifts have changed, and they’re like, really odd times, and a few of them are longer than the standard 6 hours.  I knew our scheduling system was changing, but I didn’t think it would affect the actual shifts, I just figured it was new software or something and the schedule would come out looking different.  Apparently not!

Anyway…I think I’m going to go watch some crap early morning TV and eventually try to sleep.  Good day all!


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April 12, 2008

Crap Early morning TV is the best! That is awesome about getting the house to yourself. Are you going to do anything scandalous? haha ryn: I do live in a house 🙂 Its my own, i bought it when I was 19 which I know is kind of young to be a homeowner haha. For the last two years I just lived here with my girlfriend but she’s from Australia and had to go back home in January, so its just me, myself, and I until December 🙂

April 12, 2008

Woohoo for a house to yourself. You should use the kitchen floor as a slip and slide (granted that it isn’t carpet or wood) then your mom will think you mopped for her but you really had a blast! We could discuss who is officially nuts here, lol. We could be about equal really. And That’s just cool. Hope you enjoy it!

April 13, 2008

wow…you are a total night owl.

Send people to this diary. Thx!

April 15, 2008

im bak, upated… and i will read through urs and note when i get bak later missed u lots xxx

April 16, 2008

ya know, i started reading the first few lines of your entry before I saw the previous title of “weekend debauchery”. well, you know me, and before I got to the third sentance I clicked to the previous entry. and damn was it worth it! you got some noooookie!!!! was it at least good?! and p.s. if you need a girl for that amazing first time, you know where to find me 🙂