What do you guys think?


I think I usually subtlely ask advice in my entries, or you guys just give it freely because you’re all so helpful , but this time I’m actually flat-out seeking it!

Alright.  So.  I mentioned another Sam, Blonde Sam as she is now known in this diary.  I met her in October, after having heard a bit about her from Geoff, who liked her quite a bit, but he never got anywhere with her.  I believe I also might’ve said in one entry or another that she was really fucking cool, and that dinner with her and Geoff when I first met her was awesome.  And that she initiated contact after I’d come back home, and continued to stay in touch.  I got her number this week, through some stealthy Facebook messages, and now she wants to come here to see me…and Geoff.  Next week, on Wednesday.  Geoff is, and has been saying for a while now, that he doesn’t care anymore.  He’s more or less given me his blessing, and apparently he thought I liked him, and asked me if I did, during a drunken walk home from the bar one night, whilst I had been mentally trying to find a spot in the conversation to bring up Sam and ask his opinion on whether it would be cool to pursue her should I decide I wanted to.  The whole thing was way too funny!  We’re talking right now, both of us up at 2:22 AM, and he brought it up again, asking if I liked him.  Cuz I went to his house last night and I met his mom finally, and we ended up watching movies ’til the wee hours of the morning.  Trainspotting and Hannibal Rising…I was so unsettled that it took me a while to fall asleep when I got home and I was a zombie at work again.  And I guess his dad asked if we were dating.  So here’s how it went down:


so i have a question for you


and it needs an honest answer


oh boy


you’re not interested in me are you?


as more than a friend? no, i don’t believe i am




i wondered about that actually, cuz bruce and a couple of the other guys were asking me about it


you’re not interested in ME are you?




lol so we’re good then




that happens when a girl and a guy hang out a lot hey? people start to assume there’s something going on


thats been bothering me for ages




my dad was like, so are you dating

Hahaha.  Good times!  It’s nice being honest with people and no run-around bullshit.  Man alive am I ever tired of that.  Oh, just for interest’s sake, I’ve neither seen nor tried to contact Sarah since Halloween, and in the last week she’s been commenting on my photos on Facebook, wrote on my wall asking how I was, and tagged me in a note.  I know that all sounds very superficial and unimportant, but I know it’s her way of trying to make sure I don’t cut her off completely, in case her latest boy usage doesn’t work out and she needs someone to make her feel better about hersef.  Hmm, am I bitter?

So on to the advice portion, kids…it should be pretty clear now what I want to know, but here’s some more information for you to work with!

Here’s the message I sent to her:
Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum! But not Bacardi rum…no no.

You’re probably wondering why I’m messaging you instead of writing on your wall…and if you weren’t wondering, you probably are now! I’m slick like that. Here’s the deal: You NEED to come to the valley to see me and Geoff. I know, sounds crazy, I only met you once- but what I saw of you was rather awesome. Which leads me to believe that only further awesomeness would ensue from a Sam-like visit. Oui?

I was half-thinking I should just message you anyway, open the lines of communication! I was hanging with Geoff on Friday and I kept getting text messages from various people and at one point he asked if one was from you and I was like "What? No, I don’t even have her number…" but see, that would change if I saw you again I’m sure…haha. Not to be presumptuous or anything…lalala. Now I’m off to laundry it up and make some chicken! YEAH!

Repondez vite, s’il vous plait (uhhh, je ne parles pas proper francais)!!

And here is what she said a week and a half later, December 4:
Haha, damn right! Don’t even get me started…

I couldn’t agree more. I do need to visit. And I AM awesome. As are you! I mean we only met once, but I had an awesome time and took a liking to you right away. Which really is unusual for me. So it makes me think I must see more!

So, here’s what I’m thinking.. Every Wednesday my grandmother and her little Scottish friend go to some sort of sewing thing in ———. I could drive up with her, meet up with you guys somewhere and go home Thursday afternoon (Because I have to work). For a start. Get used to me, baby! Haha, what do ya think? I miss Geoff and I wanna see you again! So yeah!

And I would give you my number for sure. Hell, you can have it now. Le gasp! (This is where the number was, but you guys can’t have it).

I would like some chicken, but I feel a little queasy as I just ate a tin of icing. I don’t know why, but yeah. It was there and it was laughing at me. 🙁

Okay, kids, a few points to keep in mind…we have a very similar sense of humour, she’s quite cute, and Geoff himself told me he didn’t mention that she was into girls at first because he didn’t want me as co

mpetition.  I’m working next Wednesday when she wants to come up, but only ’til 3:00 PM, so I’m considering asking her if she wants to have dinner with me.  And if she wants to go see Geoff after, and wants me to tag along, fine, but if she wants to go see him by herself, that’s fine too.  I just know that I won’t want him at dinner, much as I like the guy! 

So here we go….what do you guys think I should do?


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December 7, 2007

ask her to dinner!! do it!!

December 8, 2007

Ask her, but be casual about it, don’t make it seem too date like or there will be too much nervous pressure… you want to get to know her before you put too much pressure on the fire.

woman…seriously…ask her…just ask her to hang out have food…see what happens…dont pass this up u silly nitwit!! u have nothing to loose…nadada!! tell me how its goes and have fun..smile//// most importantly be urself!!! xxmucho lovexxxx

January 6, 2008

Maybe go out to dinner with both her and Geoff to break the ice a little and make it more casual at first …