Starting over fresh…

Hello all.

Every time I’ve gone to write in here, there’s just so been so much to discuss and say and feel and it’s just been too overwhelming for me.  I needed some time away from recording every little thing happening in my life so I could just heal and move on.  My break-up with Erica was terrible, to say the least, and we kept talking for 6 months afterward, and spent much of that time fighting.  She’s been dating some guy since March, and we no longer speak to each other.  She texted me on my birthday and it was very sweet, but then it devolved into stupid bickering when I replied, so we ceased contact again.  In December, when I was home for Christmas, I had given her my return ticket to the city, enclosed in a letter explaining how I felt and that if she wanted to visit me, she now had the means, but it was up to her.  A month or so ago, she texted me saying firstly that she couldn’t believe we actually don’t talk anymore, and secondly to ask if I wanted the ticket back.  I thought it over and came to the conclusion that yes, if she wasn’t going to use it, I’d prefer it be in my possession.  It still isn’t, though.  She keeps "forgetting".

There’s a lot more I could say on the score of me and Erica, but I’ve been doing a great job of getting over her and moving on with my life, and right now is not the time.  I just wanted to jot something down on here, as a record for myself that I’m still alive and still functioning, and that I can once more return to my former happiness.  And indeed, since we’ve stopped contact, I’ve been a much happier, healthier person.  I’ve lost the majority of the weight I put on when Erica and I were together and things started going sour, and in general, things are looking up.

In other news, my dad has made a full recovery from his cancer, the tumour in his neck is gone.  He finished treatment mid-January, and has lost 60 lbs. since October.  It’s sort of a bizarre win, because it was weight he could have stood to lose, it just came about in a horrible way.  I would say his size is now comparable with my brother’s, who out of all of us, has managed to keep himself pretty trim as he’s moved into adulthood.  They recently found another 1 cm spot, but it’s yet to be determined as malignant or not, and we’re all crossing our fingers it’s nothing serious.

Anyway, sorry for my absence, but I’ll be back, and I’ll attempt to fill you all in, bit by bit.  In the meantime…I need to go catch up on all of you!

Mucho love <3


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October 23, 2011

your dad – GREAT NEWS! keep on keepin’.