*pulls a Diana Ross*

I’m coming out
I want the world to know
Got to let it show
I’m coming out
I want the world to know
I got to let it show

I had conversations with both my brother and sister a little bit ago…I had planned to tell them in person when I visited them over the Christmas holidays, but that obviously didn’t happen.  And the way that it happened tonight is that my brother sent my sister a video (that I must be in) from New Year’s Eve, and she said to him "Do you think Caitlin is gay?" and he allegedly said "Her haircut is gay, but no I don’t think so."…which I found pretty damn funny.  So she more or less asked me outright, and I said not quiiite, but I guess if we want to be politically correct here, I’m bi.  And then we talked a bit more about that, and since it was on MSN and emoticons are sometimes appropriate, she gave me two gold stars.  To which I responded, "I’ll need to start a new collection of those", and she said "Or maybe…a constellation?" and I said "Yeah…Ursa Gayjor!"…and she said "Not your best."


Then she was pestering me about telling my brother, and I asked how I should say it.  And she came up with "Bi the way, Tamsyn was right.  And my haircut is not gay"…and I said that exactly, and he said "Tamsyn was right about what?" and I thought hooo boy, this could be harder than I thought…

So I told him I was bisexual, and that I’d wanted to say it in person, but that the opportunity hadn’t presented itself, etc. etc. and he asked me a few questions, like whether I had a girlfriend or not, who else knew, and things like that.  So I told him all that, and he asked how Mum and Dad had taken it, so I told him that…and he asked about my friends knowing and so on, and I said that it didn’t go so hot when I told the first person ever in grade 10.  In fact, it made that second semester and consequently, my last year in Alberta pretty much a living hell.  Because I’d apparently chosen the wrong person to tell, and she and her friends made going to school right up there with death for me.  But all that is in the past, and with each person I tell, it gets progressively easier.  Telling my dad was going to be the hardest I thought, but even that wasn’t so bad.  It was kind of funny actually.

I assumed my sister would have had it figured out for years, but she said she had indeed noticed that a lot of my photos included me and my friends kissing each other and all that jazz, and she just chalked it up to the age group.  And I agreed that that was true, because a lot of my straight friends are quite…"friendly", which makes it tough to know who to pursue and who’s just having fun, I tell ya.  But if you’ve read my diary, you already know that

Oh…somewhat related point of interest.  After I’d sorta given up on the notion altogether, Blonde Sam texted me yesterday.  Saying she’d been nervous to call, which is somewhat amusing.  I assumed I’d be the nervous one in this.  She said she’d call today, but she didn’t…she’s probably working right now I think.  She works at a club in Digby, and hates it there.  Her text also said that she’d moved out of her parents’ house, so I’m interested to see if that’s why she’s contacting me.  Oh, and in other news, Geoff is dating a girl who lives around here now, so if anything happens with Sam now, there won’t be any problems in that regard!  And I haven’t heard from Melissa yet, but I guess she must be quite busy in St. Jean.  Alicia called tonight, and we went skating WHICH WAS AWESOME!!  Cuz I finally bought myself a pair of skates in December, and haven’t had a chance to use them yet, and no one else seems to have any, or have the time to go with me.  So yay!  We went to the duck pond and skated for about an hour, and then hit up Tim Horton’s for some cafe mochas.  Good evening all around   We also discussed wedding plans, of all things.  She wants to get married in August 2009, apparently.  To Kevin, obviously haha.  Also, in the more immediate future, she’s going out to Reflections for her birthday, or wants to anyway, and wants me to come down to the city and stay overnight at their place.  I had hoped to drive down with Tish (Kevin’s sister), but apparently Dan won’t let her have the van, so it looks like I might take the bus.  Michele (whose birthday is the day before Alicia’s) said she and Mitchell might head down there, and even if they don’t, they might be able to take me back on the Sunday.  So we’ll see how all that pans out.

Ohhhhh and my buddy Matt that I’ve been friends with since KINDERGARTEN and who now lives in NB, and has never visited me here, WILL BE COMING HERE THE FIRST WEEK OF MARCH!!  We’ve been trying to sort it out the last couple days, and it’s looking like it might really happen!  And if it does, I want to take him to the city for at least one day of his visit, to meet all the friends I have from here that have moved there, and also to just generally have a kick-ass time.  Nightlife is pretty limited around here, but the possibilities are endless in Halifax.

SO I’M JUST KIND OF EXCITED ABOUT LIFE IN GENERAL RIGHT NOW!!!  But I have to work tomorrow   Oh, and for those of you wondering…I worked with Tamara the other night, but we didn’t get to talk toooo much during work, because I was sent out doing other stuff around the store cuz it was dead for a while, and also, I was on Cash 7 and she was on Cash 1, so we would’ve had to yell or keep leaving our cashes haha.  Ginette let me go half an hour early, and I bought some Mini Eggs just so I could go through Tamara’s cash, and I stuck around for a few more minutes as well cuz she had no customers.  And at one point, I was going back to my cash cuz Tamara had a customer approaching her cash, and I winked and did that "kk-kk" noise with finger-guns pointing at her…do you all know what I mean?  You’d know what I meant if you saw me do it haha.  Anyway.  So I did that, and Kelsea from the deli chose that moment to be walking by, and poked me in the back and was like "Hittin’ on the help are ya??"  And my mouth dropped open and I went "What?… WHAT?" and she raised her hands and was like "Hey, if you swing that way, it’s alright, I won’t tell anyone!"  Baaaaaaha.  I couldn’t believe it.  I spent the next few minutes cleaning my cash and being very, very red.


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February 9, 2008

That’s fantastic, that things went well with your brother and sister. They seemed to take it very well. I have that song on a CD in my car and I love listening to it. It’s going to be one of the songs we play during the Mardi Gras March this year 🙂 ryn: Thanks for stopping by. Girl Fest was awesome. And yes, you would love it! There are quite a few girls who come from overseas to attend.

February 10, 2008

whos tamara again? a co-worker? and go you telling your siblings. that’s awesome that they took it well. and your ‘rents too. oh and i so like your hair. it’s better than mine. though i need to put up some new pics of my hair.