OD Ghost

Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, mateys!

So, about the title.  It’s me!  I’ve barely been on OD at all, even since my last entry.  I didn’t go on the computer at all yesterday, I was just so tuckered out from work, plus we had a storm that started when I left for work at 2 PM and continued through the night, so we turned off the compy in the evening.  It was stupid busy, because naturally as soon as people heard that there was a hurricane passing through our province, everyone went into survival mode and stocked up on water.  Not gonna lie, we did too   We just got a flat of 500 mL bottles, 24 of them…they were on sale, so it was just as well.  They come in handy when the power DOES go out, like it did in ’04, our first year in this house and we had scarcely used the woodstove, and had never had one before.  Because when our power goes out, so does our water and plumbing!!  Not fun for, say, showering, orrrr using the toilet!

Anyway, we had a few blinkages of our lights, but the power stayed on, luckily.  I ended up having to wait almost an hour for my mum to pick me up, which was a little frustrating, just cuz I wanted to get our groceries and go home.  So before she eventually came, I went around the store and got most of what I thought we’d need so we could basically go straight to the cash and then leave. 

— interrupting thoughts–

Grace just texted me…I texted her last night becaaaauuuse I haven’t had a chance to talk to her much the last week or two –she just texted me again!– and we ended up NOT hanging out the night Charles was coming over to jam.  She called me that night and sounded kind of sad and stuff, and then ended up crying on the phone to me.  I was tuckered out from work that night, and had to work again the next day, but still wanted to see her and jam with Charles (and his friend Cris, as it turned out)…so I was pretty bummed, but tried to be understanding.  I said it was okay, and she said "No, it isn’t.  I’m being a bitch right now, I know it" and I was like "…no, it isn’t.  But you’re not a bitch."  She was just really stressed out from not being happy at school, and feeling like she’s drifting from the friends she had in high school, as I’ve mentioned before.  She misses her family a lot too, which is probably just adding to it all, and seems to feel that I’m the only one she can talk to about any of this, outside her family.  I felt worse and worse as I was talking to her because 1) I had REALLY been looking forward to seeing her, since I hadn’t seen her when she was down for Thanksgiving  2) I was curious to see how it would be jamming with an audience  and 3) I was tired and stressed out myself and thought we could both cheer each other up.  My mum and I ended up going to pick up Charles and Cris at Charles’ house, because it had started raining and was really windy, and Charles had been planning to walk over with his acoustic and he didn’t have a case.  So I offered to get them, because there was no sense wrecking the guitar!  So we got back here and started setting up in the woodstove room, and I got the three of us cans of Coke that I had bought after work and lugged home (it was a case of 12) with my other stuff (I walk to and from work).  I had noticed in the van that the boys smelled a little rummy and they soon confirmed my suspicions when Charles showed me a hidden bottle in his coat lol.  He added some of it to his can of Coke, and I finished off the white rum that Courtney had left behind after I made my ill-fated ARR MATEY rum punch at my "party" the week previous.  There wasn’t much, so I wasn’t even buzzing.  The boys on the other hand, were pretty tipsy by the end of the evening.  They ended up staying ’til 1 in the morning, we hardly noticed the passage of time!

I’d brought out our old-ass Casio keyboard from the other room (the one I’m in right now, actually!) and Cris went to town on it, playing the "drums" whilst Charles and I jammed away.  It was even better than when Charles had come over with his electric the last time!  At one point, I started playing something, and the guys kinda stopped what they were each doing and paid attention.  Charles said "Keep playing that.." and so I did, and he picked up his acoustic and started doing something else that went with it, and I motioned to Cris to turn up my amp cuz Charles was starting to drown me out…both Charles and I ended up having to yell at Cris to do it because he was so out of it lol…then he stumbled over to the keyboard and started "drumming" along with what we were doing.  It all sounded really fucking cool!!  I got so into it that my wrist started hurting from playing so hard.  When we finished, I looked at both of them, and all three of us had big grins on our faces.

This was somewhat towards the end of the jam session, and the guys had been jonesing for wings from Mimie’s all night, so we decided to stroll over in the rain.  They were out of wings, but the lady has known me since I was 16 and remembered Charles and Cris from a night that they had been in there quite drunk over the summer, so she gave us 30 mozza sticks for half-price!  10 each, not bad   I couldn’t finish mine, so I gave the last 3 to Cris.  We walked back to my house, and that’s when we realized how late it was and that I was working in less than 10 hours, so we called it a night.  Charles’ guitar is still here.  He was going to pick it up the next day after I was off work, but we both forgot, and then we were going to jam last night, but his dad ended up being in town for the weekend, annnnd that "hurricane" was striking so it didn’t happen.

However, as I said, Grace has just texted me whilst I’ve been typing this, and she has said she wants to watch Charles and I jam next Friday.  There’s a party at Stephan’s that Melanie told me about in like September, and I’m working 11-5, so I think I can swing it.  Also, I don’t work ’til 6 the next day.  Speaking of which, we’re not open Remembrance Day, and Jasmine asked me on Friday if I could work on my day off next weekend, because we’re staying open ’til midnight.  So my shift will be ’til close next Saturday, that’s going to be tiresome.  Apparently Sarah’s (of the Sarah Saga, if you’re still with me, kids) brother Kevin is having a party at THEIR house on that Saturday and Grace was wondering if I was going to that as well.  I’m not working Sunday, obviously, so I might be able to swing it.  So long as I’m awake by 11:00 to do the two minutes of silence, things should be fine.  And I’ll find out by Wednesday or Thursday if I’m working next Monday.  Yup!

I still haven’t said much about Halloween, but I think you cats got the gist from the pictures.  I ended up having a good time, but it could’ve potentially been a really depressing night.  I just realized when I was with Sarah that I didn’t want to be.  But I mean, how can you articulate thatto someone without hurting their feelings?  And then Melissa (Feist Chick, as I call her to Leslie) got mad because she had thought it was going to be a "me and her" night, and I was basically at Sarah’s mercy because she had driven me, and been the one to convince me to get a ticket to the Halloween party at Dooly’s in the first place; which we ended up leaving because Sarah thought the bands were "lame".  I barely had a chance to hear them to decide if they were or not.  We were only there for half an hour, then headed to the Hat.  Enough other people ended up being at the Hat, and this one girl and her friend…I couldn’t figure out if they were hitting on me or what!  And my newish friend Chelsey was there as well, and she ended up thinking my costume looked pretty hot too.  Then Melissa decided she had forgiven me and was kinda…all over me.  I noticed in a picture later that there was lipstick on my ear.  Jeeeesus. 

Geoff also showed up, which I wasn’t expecting, so that was nice.  He was drunk as a skunk and high too I think, and he had apparently gone to high school with the two girls that I couldn’t figure out.  One was named Sarah (I KNOW!) and the other Saphire…a little less common.  Both added me to Facebook the next day.  Nutso.

Anyway, speaking of Geoff, he’s going to a wake tonight for a friend of his that passed away this week in a car accident, but we’re going for coffee and a chat afterwards.  The friend’s funeral is tomorrow, so I thought Geoff could use a pick-me-up.  I’ve got to wash my shirt for work tomorrow, so I guess I should be getting on…


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you have a bbbuusy life lol!! love it!!! keeps me entertained lol…. love ur diary!! i put on pics ..heheh yeah me .. figured it out lol xxxx