More for posterity’s sake than anything else

Yawn, kids!

See, not even a proper greeting, because I am THAT tired.  I dunno why I’m so tired…okay, well yes, I do, but work/life shouldn’t exhaust me this much!!  I’ve been sitting here playing pinball on the compy, wasting time that should be spent planning things for the remaining days of this week (when I’m not working, that is) and just feeling kind of blah.  Grace called me about an hour ago, and it was pretty sweet talking to her…she said it could only be a two minute call because it costs her long distance now, but she ended up saying "Oh fuck it, let’s keep talking, I don’t spend my money on anything else, my mom can’t be mad about this!" ….so yay.  Sarah ended up calling towards the end of the conversation, as a call-waiting beep…which I ignored.  But I hung up with Grace pretty quick anyway, cuz I said we still probably shouldn’t make it toooo long, and called Sarah back.  That was odd in itself; I’d talked to her earlier after work but she was half-asleep.  Apparently she’s going on a date with this Cody guy, AND Nigel wants to get back together with her, but she told him no.  That bit is a step in the right direction, at least…gah.  She’s frustrating me and giving me a weird sense of satisfaction at the same time.  Also, Grace said that since we didn’t get to talk too much, that she would message me later…heh, and she just did a few minutes ago.  That’s where the "posterity" part of this entry’s title comes in, because I’m going to copy and paste it so I can look at it again if I feel bummed at all this week, and don’t feel like signing in to Facebook:


No more math studying. I could not study at all and do better than someone who studied for 3 hours, depeding on the person. I pwn! …okay knock on wood, I don’t want o jynx myself.

Jennifer doesn’t work she’s just schooling it. She gets WAY more homework than me. I think I’ll ask her about her second no show tonight.

And you will be home atleast for a bit when I get off for Christmas, cause I do on the 14th. We’ll have to do our holiday hanging out before you go.

It was nice to talk to you tonight. If only it wasn’t so…long distance. It will definately be sweet if we can hang out 🙂 Chris was the only person I saw last time. Well type of people you are referring to. I really wanted to see my family and I got to, so that was more or less the point that visit. On the 26th weekend, however, it is all about Red Alert. ahhh!! You can invite Charles and a couple others over and you guys could play music and then there could be alcohol and then there could be John Mayer and other music when you guys are unable to play anymore! I just had that idea. It is a good one, no? 🙂 You think about it.

It is 9 oh fucking 7 and I am tired. or maybe just bored. That’s probably why I am tired so early. I have really nothing to do in my room except go on the computer. I was going to play some video games with a guy down the hall, but I don’t think he’s there. 🙁

I’ll talk to you later 🙂


Sometimes she is just so sweet, and it’s usually right when I need it.  She has quite a knack for saying the right thing at the right time.  She also sent me a couple texts today after I got off work and was just vegging on the couch with my kitteh:

"I am coming home the 26th Maybe you and charles could have another jamming session and i listen.  or just you.. ;)"

She sent that like the SECOND I hung up with Sarah the first time, it was eerie.  So I said as much, and that I liked the idea of an audience, in a text back to her, and she replied:

"I know when you will be closest to your phone.  good i would like to be your audience.  its cool you guys did that and that it wasnt awkward"

I’m content now   I think I’ll leave my grocery shopping ’til tomorrow after work cuz it’s already 9:23 and the shops close in 37 minutes haha.  Melissa left a message on my wall asking what I’m doing tomorrow, so I think we’re finally going to have coffee and a chat after I get off work.  Maybe I can con her into coming grocery shopping with me, bwaha.  She is quite insistent that I go to this Halloween party on the 26th, and dress up.  A few people are quite insistent about it, actually.  But hmm…if Grace is coming home…we’ll see.  It’s so hard being popular! *dramatic back of hand to forehead, mouth seductively agape*


Love you kids!


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October 17, 2007

i wish i was popular.