Kissing Jessica Stein

Hey kids!

We’ve got company over (my parents’ friends) for a couple of days but they leave today, and actually…they didn’t really upset my routines at all, which was nice.  Gosh, I’m selfish.  Anyway, moving on…

Last night I was bored and my mum was out with said guests, and I felt like doing something, so I called Sarah to see if she wanted to go the mall or something, but she was tutoring somebody ( I didn’t even know she did that?) and said she’d call me later on.  Well, I didn’t hold out much hope for that happening, so I called Courtney.  She was in the middle of making chocolate peanut butter balls, as it turned out, but would be up for doing something soon she said.  She told me she’d call me back in 10 minutes….so I came down here and finished up an entry I’d been working on in private mode for a couple of days.  As I was finishing up, Courtney rang back, and we had a mini-discussion about what to do and it was decided that I should go over to hers and Matt’s apartment and just chill for the night.  I suggested renting a movie or bringing one that I had, and Courtney said she was broke, but if I wanted to rent or bring one that would be fine.  I asked her if she’d heard of "Kissing Jessica Stein", and she responded that she had, from me haha.  Sooooooo I gave her a brief description and she was like "As long as it’s not porn, I’m down."

So I went and brushed my teeth and so on, and then biked to Sobey’s first (to pick up Coke and Munchies Mix for the movie), where I ran into Kendra and her boyfriend (fiance?) Shannon…I always run into them in such domestic situations lately, it’s become quite a funny thing between us.  Anyway, after Sobey’s I biked on to Courtney’s, which took about 10 minutes, give or take, pedalling furiously, and arrived around 8:40ish.  I called Courtney from outside because she’d said she’d let me in, since I had never been to this particular apartment before and wasn’t even sure where the right door was (she lives above a pub).

So she came down a long-ass flight of steps, and Matt followed soon after to help me get my bike up the stairs, and ended up taking the whole thing up himself haha.  Ordinarily I would’ve been more indignant, like "What?  Just cuz I’m a girl I can’t do it myself??" but I was glad of his kindness this time cuz I was pooped from my speed-race over there.  I followed them upstairs and Matt set my bike down and I grabbed my waterbottle from it and we proceeded to their apartment.  For the first little bit, Courtney gave me a mini-tour of the apartment, which was HUGE.  It apparently used to be 2 apartments, but the previous owner of the pub had lived above it, and made it into one for himself.  Seriously, GIANT.  I was incredulous, and said so.  After that, we just sorta chilled out for a bit, talking and readying the snacks for movie-watching and I chatted to Matt a little while Courtney did something in the kitchen.  Then we settled in and watched the movie, and Courtney loved it and laughed a lot, just like I thought she would.  I seriously recommend this movie to anyone who enjoys a witty romantic comedy, with really awesome music (depending on what you’re into…most of it is sort of jazzy/big band stuff)!  About halfway through, we paused it for a pee break/beverage refill, and got talking about some of the various girls that have been in my life over the last year and a half.  Then we realized we still had the rest of the movie to watch, so we sat down and shut up haha.  We finished it up eventually (with a couple of laughs from Matt playing videogames in the other room, because he was secretly listening to it) and continued our previous conversation, but delving deeper into the subject matter and going off on several tangents, a lot of which concerned 2006, a crazy dramatic year for both of us, when we were at college.  Boy oh boy.  I learned that Courtney seemed to think that Alicia was a little put out once she realized I was over her and had moved on (to Grace, sorta)….that thought had barely occurred to me at the time, or since.  Innnnnteresting.

Eventually we realized it was well after 1, and Courtney had to work in 6 hours.  She and Matt had both offered for me to crash there if I needed to, and I debated about it for a while, even as we were having our several-hour-chatfest, but ultimately decided I wanted to bike home.  I knew I’d be in a contemplative, reflective mood for a while after my talk with Courtney, and biking in the wee hours of the morning when hardly anyone is about appealed to me.  So I thanked Courtney and she came down with me to hold the door while I hoisted my bike down the million steps.  We hugged and then I pedalled off, thinking and listening to Lifehouse playing quietly in my earphones.  I reached the road I normally turn onto to get down to my street…and passed it….deciding I didn’t want to go home just yet.  I continued on and wended my way down to the base, where I used to live, and passed Sam’s old house and a lot of places that, for 2 years, I would pass every day.  I turned around near where Charles lives and went back the way I’d come, still thinking, but this time noticing the stars above me.  It was a really clear night and even though my thoughts were tumbling about inside my head, I felt oddly at peace with myself.

I came home to my mum and her friends still being up and preparing some crackers and cheese.  I got home around 10 to 2:00.  My entire bike ride had ended up lasting only 20 minutes when all was said and done, but it felt much longer.

Anyway, it’s 8:12 AM now, and Mum and her guests will no doubt be getting up soon and I should be presentable to see them off. 

Good day, kids!


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wow you got up freaking early. Saying that i went to bed at 3 this morning and got up at almost 9. that nearly killed me. Sounds like you had a lot of thought going through your nogging this evening! contemplative! <3 have some gold

September 13, 2007

I added you 🙂

September 13, 2007

RYN: David Hyde Pierce was a-mazing! There is really no better way to describe it.

September 13, 2007

SUPPOSEDLY there are pictures on here… in an entry which I can’t see… And it better NOT be because I’m not on your favorites lol…Just kidding… Though I did think it was odd that I clicked on a pic entry and couldn’t access it. Just thought I’d let you know I tried.