just some thoughts I guess, so no real title!

Hey chums!

Alright well…if I was confused before, now is no better.  I received a call at approximately 1:15 AM last night (err, this morning).  And who was this call from?  Melissa.  And was she drunk?  Yes, out of her mind, by the sound of it.  She started off by asking if I wanted to go for coffee, and I told her I was in my pajamas and she said she was too.  I asked her if she’d been drinking and she was like "Mayyyybeeeee…", which I took to mean yes.  And I was like "On a Monday?  Wow."  She didn’t appear to take that part in though, and then told me I should come over and spend the night.  I told her I didn’t think that would be the best idea, after first having asked her if she was alone.  She was.  She kept repeating that she wanted me to come over and all this nonsense, and then abruptly she said she was hungry and wanted to make food.  I sighed and said that was a good idea, and to go to bed afterwards.  She seemed happy with this idea, and told me she loved me, and that she’d call me in the morning.  I said I thought that would be best and to have a good sleep.  Then she said goodnight like 10 times, and I hung up during the 12th goodnight, because it would have just gone on forever if I hadn’t.  I texted her in the hopes that she’d see it when she woke up or something, to say "Sweet dreams, call me in the morning to let me know you’re alright, k?"

Then I shut my phone, sat back and wtf-ed for a good half hour.  Then I went downstairs and rocked out on my guitar for a while ’til I thought I had it all out.  I haven’t heard from her today, but I’m sure she’s fine.  I just don’t get why she picked me of all people to drunk dial?  I think she may have been a little upset that I had to work on her birthday and couldn’t celebrate with her, but I’m not sure.  I really dunno what to make of this girl.


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January 30, 2008

This girl Melissa… you’re going to have to explain it all to me. She’s still married (like my girl lol), and she’s bi-curious? Am I getting it right? And she drunk called you going I love you and come over to my house? You so could have gotten laid! You’re life doesn’t seem to be standing still. You got punched too! That’s horrible, it was this girl that hit you right? Damn.

January 30, 2008

wow, i think she really does like you, i mean yeh there are complications, and i think she realises it but cant help the way she is feeling for u. keep updating lol i am hooked!!! yeh me and emz are close and i wud never let her go! we do alot for each other! yeh i think everyone looks cute n pretty, each in their own way! i agree me n u r the best partytype pple! yeh thought i had beta…

January 30, 2008

…put some new pics up..mainly cuz i loved the pic of me being all bendy! haha found it funny 😛 xxxx so hows job n things… xxx