I’m jaded now, whatever that means


When am I gonna learn??  Sam and Brian are back to-fucking-gether.  It makes NO sense.  "Labels are lame" she says.  Hmmm…okay, then why did she tell me she was gay last week??   Fuck fuck fuck.  This is all so stupid.  Saturday was so awesome, and I spent Sunday quite happy.  And then today, I find out they’re back together.  She’s "comfortable" with him.  I half-wonder if her coming out to her mom and her mom not taking it so well has anything to do with this.  She accused me on MSN of being "critical" of all this…and I wasn’t.  I have every right to be, I’d say, but I wasn’t.  Why oh why can’t anything in my life ever be simple??  I thought I’d finally found a gay one but she goes back to her boyfriend in the blink of an eye.  Grace is…a lost cause I think, though her texts are always sweet, and she’s always telling me how much she loves me.  It is comforting to have that kind of reassurance in my life, even if I’m not sure I want to/could pursue it.  I felt like writing in here, but that feeling is slowly ebbing away, so I think I’ll leave you all with a couple pictures from Grace’s birthday dinner on Sunday…

I was fixing my bangs


That’s better

Oh, and this is my 200th entry, favourites only and all!


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June 25, 2007

I just came here by random. I am sorry you’re feeling down. Those are cute pics though. I love glasses 🙂 xoxox

June 26, 2007

I really like the way your hair looks in the second pic… That being said… Maybe this is life’s way of telling you to expand your circle to include more out and proud gay people. They’re around, and you can find them if you look. Maybe that’s what this is a sign pointing you towards… Don’t look towards the straight ones who might flip, or the gay ones who can’t fully come-out, find someone who’s so out and proud it’s not even an issue. Easier said than done I know, but you seem to be sociable enough that you can figure out how to do it 😉

June 26, 2007

congrats on 200 :o) girls are horribly confusing..i spent forever pining over straight ones that just wanted an experience. you will find someone for you though and it will be worth the wait.

June 30, 2007

good luck with your search of a non-mind-playing gay girl….. hard to find i’m telling ya, but their out there or else there wouldn’t be happy gay chic walking the street