Hey Pachuco!

Well I’d like to be swingin’
Dancin’ and singin’, just havin’ a time
Free to do whatever, now more than ever
I’ve gotta stick with that gang of mine!

This is the kinda mood I’m in, kids!  I feel like I’m sort of where I should be at, for once.  It’s 12:37 PM, and I’ve been awake for 2 hours already and my energy is just starting to pick up, so I’m rocking out to the Royal Crown Revue (if you sorta semi-recognize the lyrics I have just up there, it’s cuz they’re from that song in The Mask that has crazy wicked drums and sounds like you should be swing-dancing to it)…sometimes I just love big band!

I’ve got an interview with Sobey’s at 2:15, so I’m not going to make this a long one, but I will update you.  After I wrote my previous entry, I didn’t do anything at all about the message and text that Sam had sent me.  I just left them, cuz I mean..what could I say?  I left them for two days, but figured I should at least give her the same sorta closure she’d given me, right…so I sent this in a response to the Facebook message:

2:31pm September 29th

I think there’s some mixed messages as well…

I was mega caught up in the drama of the weekend in general and actually now I’m…strangely at peace. It’s cool! No worries whatsoever.

Annnd I have an interview at Sobey’s on Monday, wish me luck!

I’ve heard nothing back yet, and don’t really expect to.  I also don’t expect that e-mail she promised me a month ago to ever come to fruition.  And you know what?  That’s okay.  I couldn’t help noticing that after I’d sent MY message though, her status on Facebook changed to "Samantha is an idiot"…and now it’s that she’s "hating October already"…

In other news, this Melissa chick that I was in the ALP program at NSCC with in ’06 started texting me on Saturday.  I’d gotten her number maybe 2 weeks ago, that same night that that mess with Kevin/JD happened.  Haha yep, that’s right, even amid all that boy action, I still got a girl’s number!  I didn’t think anything of it really, because I was so distracted by everything else going on, but now I distinctly recall her saying something about sexuality and me being like "pfft, you don’t even LIKE girls!" and she said something like "Well I would…for YOU" and I just laughed it off.  So then she texts me on Saturday about a Feist concert in November that I’ve been dying to go to ever since I heard about it…and indeed, I’ve been wanting to see Feist live for a few years now, but for one reason or another I’ve always missed out.  I was grocery shopping with my mum when this text came in, and it made me smile in the middle of the cereal aisle.  But then I got wondering…did I tell her about my Feist fascination when I was drunk and got her number that night?  Had I talked to her about it before, at school?  Was she just another fan of Feist and knew of my intense interest in music and assumed I’d want to go?

So we texted back and forth right up ’til just before midnight…I didn’t go out on Saturday cuz I was just too tuckered out, and my feet were still a little sore, plus I ended up on the phone with Leslie for a good hour.  I discovered that Melissa’s final text had come in while I’d been talking to Leslie, heh…she told me to call her tomorrow (Sunday) because she was drinking then.  She’d asked if I’d be at Dooly’s that night, but I said I was already in my jammies…she replied that that was too bad, cuz we should go out again, "last time was awesome" (her words not mine), and I said something like "Definitely!  I’m supposed to be going to the Hat next Friday, how’s that for you?" and she said it sounded good and to call her.  So I did call her on Sunday, around 5, but her phone was off.  *shrug*  She didn’t say what time to call, so it’s cool…

I started cleaning my room and while I was on my knees looking under my bed for a sock, KEVIN called me.  Not random-mistakeish-Kevin…MY Kevin.  High school Kevin!  Used to be like peanut butter and jam Kevin!  It was really nice to talk to him, I think maybe he’s missing me too…especially since he’s now moving out to Bedford and doesn’t like it there already.  He got a transfer up there with his job, and the people he works with are grossly incompetent.  I can’t remember if it’s a manager or assistant manager job that he’s got there…I know he eventually got promoted to ass-man (I just like saying that) up here, but I dunno if the transfer was also a promotion.  Anyway, he called cuz he said he was bored on the drive home.  He was coming back here but then heading back to the city the next day (today) because he had to work.  Next weekend he’s moving the rest of his stuff up there…I guess he’s been living somewhat illegally in his place in Bedford cuz he wasn’t supposed to be able to officially move in ’til October 1.  He’s insisted that I come see his new place as soon as he’s moved in, cuz I mentioned that I would like to see it…trying not to sound like I missed him too much haha.  I think we’re both at the same place with our friendship though…like, wow man, I miss you, but I don’t want to swell your head with you knowing   He jokingly offered me a job at his store because the people he works with aren’t fun, but I declined…I’d never applied at his store here cuz I just don’t think I’d excel at it.  Kevin’s very much a salesman, where as I’m more people-oriented, and I don’t want to lose that by getting into a job where I have to lie to people, or stretch the truth.  He agreed, saying that we’d just have too much fun and nothing would get done.  Part of the reason we were such hilarious chemistry partners in grade 11…

Anyway kids, it’s now 1:00, I should start thinking about which outfit to wear for my interview!  My mum had an attack of shopping sympathy the other day and bought me a coat…it’s really warm and comfy, brown cord on the outside, with a sort of plaid-looking lining.  I haven’t had a proper autumn jacket/coat in years.  I’ve been relying on the same winter coat since I was 15.  YAY!


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you sound happier..well done u. i’m proud! just keep busy yeah? hope ur good..and ur feet are er..good ! did i tell u bout my snail? well i felt sorry for it last night being in the rain …and it was soo cute and lonely. so i put it in a box…kept in my brothers room..wasnt have the slimey thin with me lol..i named it bodrick. hehe..let it out today to make friends. i think thats important

October 1, 2007

the other girl, what’s her name? melissa. sounds cool. go for it.

for pple to let things go..to where they belong… so yes.. i am lonley with out bodrick..but it the correct thing to do..just like sam..u have to let her go…like bodrick.. well not the same but still. did u no snails aint that slow.. pretty fast buggas they are… i am being lied to ..slow worms and now snails.. false advertising that is! xxlove ya long time xxx