Cracking night!


Yesterday was loooooooong.  I’d gone to the Top Hat on Friday, but didn’t end up going ’til 10:30, and hour later than I planned…because Sarah had family visiting and so on and couldn’t pick me up ’til then.  I stayed sober all night, but still danced rather a lot!  It started filling up around 11:30, which is unusual…it’s weird being there now period, because Kevin’s not the DJ, it’s this other guy named Johnny.  Grace called me sometime after 11, which I wasn’t expecting.  She came home from school for Thanksgiving and is going back on Tuesday…we’re going to try and see each other while she’s down.  I ended up chatting to her for a good 10 or 15 minutes outside the bar, and then Tarl came and attacked me bodily and so I told her "sweet dreams" and she said "Oh, I hope so!  I’ll dream of yoooouu…" and I laughed and said "If you’re lucky!"  I then said "Goodnight…and I love you!" and she said the same, and as I was shutting my phone Tarl was like "Awww was that your mommy?" and I grinned and replied "No…no, definitely not." and then spun him around to face the door to go back inside and we danced our way in.  Woop!  If any of you were on tenterhooks about the Melissa chick, I’m now almost entirely certain that I’ve got her situation figured out.  She’s either a military wife, or a military girlfriend, and has two kids.  A girl and a boy; her girl is 3 I think, and the boy is still just a little baby.  Yup yup.  She still wants to go to Feist if I’m able to though, and she’s been talking about getting a hotel room and everything….kinda odd, we barely know each other.


So that was Friday summed up…we left around 1:00 because "playa" Kevin didn’t show up like Sarah thought he might, and she was having some menstrual fun, and I was tired.  I’d only been planning to go ’til around midnight, but since we got there later than I was expecting and I was having a semi-decent time, I thought it wouldn’t hurt.  I was not going to be getting a lot of sleep before my orientation no matter what, an hour wouldn’t make a big difference.  So I got home just after 1, was in bed by 2, probably didn’t fall asleep ’til 3ish…and woke up at 6:45.  Urrrggghhhh.  My body is NOT used to it at all.  I got to my orientation 10 minutes early though, I was the second person to show up.  My buddy Jeremy (one of the many NSCC people I’ve seen pop up in the last week…apparently he’s MARRIED now and has a kid!) let me in the side door, and another guy directed me upstairs to wait…I’d been standing around outside for a couple minutes, not sure how to get in before the store opened, and then followed an employee to the right door when I saw him get out of his car in the Sobeys uniform.  Bernice, that I used to work with at Zellers, showed up a few minutes after I did and we went upstairs together.  Blah blah blah and 5 long hours later, my orientation was complete.  I don’t think I’ve ever filled out that much paperwork in one sitting…I will never ever forget that my orientation was October 6, 2007 or what my name is.  It is no shock to me at all that people with office jobs get carpal tunnel…cashiers can get it too if they’re not careful though.

So yes, 8 other people were being shown around and so on along with me.  4 of us were front-end, 2 deli, 1 produce and 2 maintenance.  The produce girl has already taken a shine to me haha.  We bonded over our height making the trying-on of uniforms an awkward procedure.  I’d say she’s probably my height exactly or maybe a millionth of an inch shorter…she’s very skinny though.  When we went on a tour of the store, she called us the "newb train".  Her name’s Athena.  I think I’m going to like pretty much everyone at the store, they all seem pretty great!  And I already worked with two of the cashiers previously, one of them being Bernice.  Another cashier is my friend Michele’s mom.  And the girl doing the orientation, Jasmine, is the same one that was present during my interview on Monday.  The only downside to any of this stuff I’ve described is that I don’t have an apron yet …I’m pretty impressed with how Sobeys outfits its employees, however.  At Zellers, all I got was a shirt and my nametag, and I had to BUY my belt for $2.00, whereas at Sobeys I get a shirt, pants, apron and sweater!  And people that have longer hair can get scrunchies or headbands; people in other departments are required to wear hats but I won’t be.

Moving right along though…I’d had maybe 4 hours of sleep and then went through the 5-hour orientation, then came home and did stuff for my mum, and some of my laundry.  I’d intended to go to Mark’s Work Wearhouse to see about getting myself some comfy black shoes for work, but I was just too damn tired and would’ve been useless to anyone including myself if I tried going out then.  Plus I had to reserve SOME energy for going to Dooly’s that night.  So I decided, okay, I’m going finish up this bit of laundry and then have a nap!  My mum went out for groceries, and I went to bed around 5:25.  At 6:00 PM, my mum called with a question about pumpkin pie, and I figured I’d try going back to sleep, but literally the instant I put the phone down, it rang again.  It was Kevin this time, asking if I wanted to join him on a liquor run….I hadn’t even realized he was planning to go to Dooly’s as well, assuming he’d be spending his time with Alicia and/or packing up the rest of his stuff to take to Bedford.  I declined, and he told me to call him when I woke up from my nap, and that it’d be good if I could be at his place for 10ish.  I yawned, stretched and turned over on my stomach after I hung up, and Gilligan (mon chat) decided it’d be a cool time to come and sleep on my butt.  I tried to go back to sleep regardless…BUT THEN THE PHONE RANG AGAIN.  This time it was Melissa, asking what time I was planning to be at Dooly’s for…I told her it was looking like I might not be going ’til kinda late, and we talked for a bit (which is how I figured out as much as I know now) and eventually I realized…it’s dark outside.  I’m not going to get any sleep no matter how hard I try, I may as well get up.  So I got off the phone with Melissa and then my mum came home a few minutes later and I helped unpack the groceries, and put the oven on for a frozen pizza she’d bought.  I then realized that I hadn’t eaten since 7 AM — it was the longest 20-minute cooking time EVER.

Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo yes.  I went to Kevin’s around 10:30 and was greeted by the sight of a full livingroom…I’d only been expecting Kevin and Devin.  But instead, Alicia was there, as was Tristan, and so was Asif and his girlfriend Lyndsey, and this girl Andrea that Kevin, Asif and I had homeroom with in grades 11 and 12.  I ended up standing for the first few minutes because there were no seats left…I commenced my liquor drinking because Kevin said that we were leaving soon.  Devin and Asif were playSNES, which made me laugh a lot cuz I’ve been playing Super Mario World myself a lot recently.  It comes and goes, but I always like playing it!  It was also hilarious because Asif isn’t really familiar with the game and Devin is a HUGE NERD for it…he and I were discussing tactics even, which everyone else found amusing/nerdy.  Tristan was being his usual boisterous elf self.  Andrea was kind of quiet because she doesn’t really know any of us, but she did chat to me a bit.  Eventually everyone but me and Alicia left, because Kevin’s mom came home from Halifax unexpectedly with her new boyfriend and his dog, and they wanted to get something to eat (everyone else, not Kevin and his mom)…so Alicia and I finished our drinks and talked for a bit.  We were sitting at the kitchen table we both simultaneously noticed a bag of "marihuana" (as it was spelled on the label) atop it.  We figured it was Darren’s (Kevin’s mom’s dude)…I’d been previously unaware of this newest development with Kevin’s mom, but after meeting him, the bag of weed didn’t surprise me one bit.  Alicia and I were left alone with the dog because Kevin’s mom stormed out of the house and Darren followed her when he heard the car start, haha.  The dog is flippin’ huge and brown, and really quite a gorgeous dog. 

We finished up and left to walk to Dooly’s…we found Tristan outside and asked where everyone else was.  He said everybody was inside except Kevin and Devin, who were still on their way back from getting food.  I spied them across the parking lot and I galloped towards them (I was definitely tipsy by this point)…Alicia followed and then the 4 of us walked back to Dooly’s together.  Lalalala….it was a pretty good night I guess, I danced a HELL of a lot.  And Sarah showed up…she’d gone to a house party beforehand or something, but was still sober.  Nathan was home for the weekend too, and I’d convinced him via MSN that he should go to Dooly’s earlier in the day, and Kevin must’ve put in his two cents, because he asked me what Nathan’s new number was before I even got to his house.  Nate Dawg was also a sober cat that evening.  I think around 1:00 I was definitely sobering up, but was still dancing like a maniac, good times!  The people that had initially invited me out to Dooly’s were there as well….Blair, Meggan and Cheryl.  Blair was at Sam’s city thing last month, Meggan is the one who told me Sobeys would be calling me, and Cheryl is their best friend from high school kinda deal.  Kris, Blair’s boyfriend in the city, was also present…AND DEVRIE WAS THERE TOO.   Preeeetty sweet!!   This girl Laura that I took the bus with in high school seemed quite overjoyed to see me haha and gave me a big ol’ hug both when I initially saw her and at the end of the night…she told the dude she was with that I should be her girlfriend, which I found quite amusing indeed.  Sarah, Nathan and I danced the most together, I think, of everybody I danced with.  I ended up leaving with them, stopping briefly at Kev’s to pick up my jacket and bottle of Coke, and then heading to Subway!

The only out and proud lesbian that I know around here, Ash, has just started working at Subway and she randomly starting talking to me on MSN Saturday afternoon (she never has before) and told me that I should come in because she was working the drunk shift that night…I told her I’d likely be there no matter what, and that I’d bring Sarah with me.  It ended up being me, Sarah AND Nathan, plus the various other people that walked over from Dooly’s.  At some point in the course of the evening I’d lost my shirt.  Not so much lost it, as taken it off and left it in Sarah’s car because it was hard to breathe for all the heat inside Dooly’s.  I got a little self-conscious about sitting down in my tight t-shirt and Nathan offered the one he had on over his t-shirt …I actually liked the shirt, a brown and white stripey one, but it was very obviously mens and couldn’t handle my chest haha.  It removed my self-consciousness about my side bulges though, baha.  I think Nathan was glad actually, because he was saying it was too hot in Subway.  We were at Subway for a good hour because we were just chatting and eating.  Once again the drink I’d purchased became the communal beverage of the table. ‘Twas a good time…then Sarah drove us both home, dropping me off first.  This morning I got a text from Nathan asking if I had Sarah’s number.  I sent one back saying "Oui monsieur!  Why didn’t you get it from her yourself last night, you pansy? :P", followed by her number. 

I ammmmmmmm going to go and look for work shoes I think!  I’m tired of typing!  Also, the story is pretty much done, I’m not leaving you hanging this time, heh.


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