belated pictureness

Bonjour kiddies!

I’ve been waxing nostalgic for several hours now.  It all began when I was looking for a CD of stuff from our old computer, but instead found my 7th grade CD yearbook.  Maaaaaaaan what a trip down memory lane that was!!

i'm #5!

God I was skinny back then!!  It’s a shame you can’t see my chicken legs.  Seriously.  People would actually call me that in gym class.  Chicken Legs.

So this nostalgia-fest brought me to OD and re-reading some of my older entries, bringing me right back to the present and the last few I’ve written, and I noticed that I talked about Nathan coming home for the weekend but oddly, I didn’t put up any pictures from it.  I say oddly because there were some really great ones taken!

will 'n' me
Will and me, we worked together at Zellers in ’03, good times!  He’s fucking crazy.

One of the greatest pictures of the entire evening.  Nathan and me, rocking out….I think to "Smack That"?

whoever took this picture liked me better
Even though Alicia got mostly cut out, I really like this picture haha.

kate bought me a drink :)
Kate and me after making a trip to the bar, and before getting back to the dance floor

tiana et moi
Tiana and me outside, this was like take 23479124572345, we weren’t doing so well on the self-portraits so we got this guy to take it and he asked if we were related.  That’s not the first time that’s happened…personally, aside from the brown hair and glasses, I don’t see it.

nathan and me, aww
Me and the man of the evening himself, Nathan!

Ahahaha, I just have to include this one cuz I thought he looked so cute   He was also quite hammered.

ellen et moi
I wasted many a happy spare with this girl in high school.  Damn we look good!!

rock on
Another one capturing the essence of me and Nathan.  I’m not even sure if we were the originally intended subject of this picture, but we sure as hell made sure we ended up being just that.

That’s it for that night!

Now some randoms of me enjoying my new hair!  I got it cut again the other day, it grew out fast!

how you doin'?

if nothing else, i can always amuse myself


i see you lookin' at me

Later folks!


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May 30, 2007

i’m more or less speechless on the lastest pictures of you/the new hair. gorgeous. totally amazing. you look really good.

SEXY hair! Looks like you have a great time when you go out with all your picturness! i must find some of me and post them! Well try, i never get it right you see! have some GOLD <3