5 in a week, yow!

Hey kids!

Not going to be my usual 8 thousand page long entry, just wanted to make a correction and share some other stuff as well.  When I wrote yesterday about the text from Sam about getting my letter, I got it wrong.  It was actually a lot more enthusiastic-sounding than what I led you to believe, haha.  Cuz you see, I had opened my phone right, to see it, and saw it just the once and threw my phone down and danced around a bit, and didn’t look at it again until around 5 PM yesterday, when I finally texted her back.  HER text actually said this:

"I got your letter!!!  I loved it SO much!!!!!!"

That is the exact number of exclamation marks, I swear.  And I know it won’t seem like a big deal to anyone else, but when you’re used to getting other texts and various other forms of messages from her that always end in periods, well…exclamation marks are a surprise and indicative of how much she appreciated the letter, heh.  Anyway, like I said, I did finally text her back, but it was nothing too earth-shattering, and I still left myself room to not make it too obvious, kinda, I think….here’s what I said:

"Really??  Good!  Well that seems only fitting since I like you so much :P"

and I sent that around 5:45…and started getting nervy when she didn’t text back, even though I’m fully aware that it might’ve been impossible since she’s actually WORKING at the camp –but that didn’t stop my overactive mind from imagining that she might be doing the same thing I did, and wondering what to say back for like 9 hours lol, or just deciding not to reply at all….so I finally decided I’d text again around 8:

"Also, sorry it took me like 9 hours to respond…but let’s focus on what’s important here, you loved the letter!  Miss you, ladyfriend"

I relayed all this to my friend Kate when she called me later on last night, and we talked for like an hour, and she thought it sounded okay, not too obvious, but not too subtle either.  We had quite a nice chat actually, I love talking to Kate, we always end up laughing the whole time.  She’s coming down on Sunday and I’m psyched to see her 🙂

Also, my dad came home last night, 5 hours earlier than we’d expected!!  He called first, and I picked up, and he said he was about 17 km away, so I should tell Mum to get going on supper haha.  I asked him if he wanted me to tell Mum he was coming early or if he wanted it to be a surprise, and he said it was up to me….so I let it be a surprise, hehe.  And was she ever surprised!!  It was great though, hearing how happy she was.  I know she misses him a lot when he’s away.  I guess I kinda do too, but I’m sure once he’s been here a few days he’ll start annoying me all over again.  I’m just nervous about this conversation I’ve got to have with him about telling him I’m bi, it’s going to be sooooo awkward and I have no idea how to go about bringing it up.  In a way, it was almost easier when I had to tell my mum, cuz she was the one that brought it up.  Gah.  I’ll figure it out.

Now I’m off to eat and wonder what the hell I’m going to do tonight!!  I’ve been invited to a big ass field party that has bands and junk tonight, but it might get rained out, so we’ll see what happens there.

Good day!


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that sounded fine to me huni, like ur mate kate said not to subtle not to obvious… awesomidge! i know what u mean bout tellin ur dad,,,

it was weird fully comin out to everyone who knows me, but me n my mum dont get on so it was easier for me. but she doesnt give a fiddlers that i’m gay, well she doesnt give a fiddlers bout n e thing i do n e way lol! let me know how it goes!!

When I told my mum I’m gay, I just got incredibly drunk beforehand. Actually, it wasn’t planned… It just sort of slipped out during a drunken rambling… Along with me trying to light up a joint in her car. Eeek. : Good luck! <3

August 18, 2007

hey now! of course nothing like that has happened, i just wrote a super long entry and then decided it was better off private. ps. “since i like you so much”?? ladies and gents, this girl has balls. : )

August 19, 2007

Haha… yeah, eew. The Palace is about a million times worse than The Dome. I actually haven’t been there since I was 19… I just don’t rant about my hatred of the place because none of my friends ever try to make me go there! Haha. And I actually ended up at The Dome on Friday night. I don’t know how I keep ended up there, I must secretely love the place. But there’s no way I could end up there

August 19, 2007

Friday night- The rest of the weekend will be so busy I can’t risk being hungover. Good luck talking to your Dad! : ) And I imagine your party got rained out, so I hope you had fun with whatever you ended up doing.