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I imagine stuff like that takes time and just happens… as an observation of interests over time coming together into one unified thing. Like underwater basket weaving. Or writing. Or something. I think I’m eventually going to work my way to child care full time. Or opening up my old child care center for indigo and crystal children… with psychic gifts. *shrug* Requires stability, though.

And, I’m just getting there. I would say that you’re a couple years behind me so don’t sweat it. Try a bunch of different jobs and see what skills you excel at and enjoy and which ones you don’t. Sometimes, we need to carve out our purpose instead of it happening in one grand epiphany. However, life is short. Make it a celebration. Don’t put up with doing things that make you unhappy. 🙂

Oh, and you’re never wasting time. Ever. Even the moments we are, technically, not doing anything… we are growing and moving in some direction. Everything we do or don’t do is a lesson in life. And, you don’t need to know RIGHTNOW. A lot of my friends that pushed themselves into something ended up hating what they do. Take your time and carve things out slowly. You’ll be fine. 🙂

Fair enough. Was just seeking to alleviate your internal strain or pressure. 🙂 We are all different. I’m sure you will figure it out. Especially since you’re working so hard to find it!! 🙂 Just be kind to yourself in this process. We all walk different paths. You’ll find it or make it happen soon enough!