Planing Pays

Someone once told me that when you plan your day it is like you are saying “This is what I’ll do to have the best day that I want!” Like imagine, I plan and say this is what it takes to live a fulfilled day. How amazing!

Yeah, things don’t always go according to plan but doesn’t the thought of the fact that you are responsible for either having the greatest or worst days of your lives in your hands excite you!

“Failing to plan is planing to fail.” Don’t you get chaotic random days when you don’t plan? That somehow leaves you purposeless even if you are working, a student or have a day to day responsibility. You have regular patterned days- cyclic and redundant! Isn’t that depressing!

Plan your day! Even if you are a stay at home citizen. Plan what time of the day you should wake up to have a great day! Plan what clothes to wear, food to eat, books to read! Whatever you need to do to make your days great! Plan to call someone, an old friend, plan to do something exotic, plan to just sit around. Plan! You have that Power!

Planing gives you the accountability of whatever you write down! And even if you don’t do everything you’ve planned to do, you become aware of what you still need to do unlike randomizing activities and when you look back you see that you haven’t even done to littlest of things!

“For which one of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it?”

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