One size fits all timeline

“Graduated by 25, successful by 30, family by 35”

Societal clocks huh? Who was the first person to standardize this?! That person failed us! You see the thing about time is quite interesting: People that lived closer to the beginning of time would live up to 500 to 900 hundred years, do you think these societal timelines existed then?! How did it work for them? And how weren’t they as tired as us now in our 20’s when they have lived more than  45 times our lifetimes!

The main problems in today’s society are: 1) The constant worry of not being able to get one’s life together by a certain age and 2) The constant tiredness of working towards securing that future they aspire to live! It’s an everyday unnecessary struggle if you ask me! It is worse when you see your peers success in areas you thought you would at your age!

But think with me here! Your timeline..? Let’s talk about it…Should it be the same as everyone? What if you’ll pop at 80? What if one of the best moments in your life come only when  so much time has passed? Ever stopped to think about it? The fact that you constantly worry doesn’t change the plans of God, whether to bless you at a specific time 2 or 10 to 20 years from now,period!…It only makes you live a miserable life comparing yourself to other people or always missing great/little experiences that happen in-front of you worrying about this long longed future of yours!


Bro you barely even know what’s going to happen tomorrow, an opportunity may arise, it may not, yes believe that God will bless you but never stop living because the blessings of God don’t come as you anticipated…Value your time and rejoice in it; you actually don’t have a choice than to rejoice in it because what can you do? Nothing, but Gods timing will change your situation, period! You just got to do your best where you are and the rest? He will take care of!

“Life’s so much better when you let God take the drivers seat”

“For I know the plans I have for you….”

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