
Hi! Today is another day to start. It’s Saturday and I decided to wake up early since I do have also a work time at 8:30 am. Yup I also work on weekends, Today I woke up calm and feeling at peace. I hope the day will allow me to let me continue as it is. I fixed my bed, eat my breakfast and cook food for lunchtime During afternoon I decided to learn French for 35 minutes. I need to. I hope I get better in it. I’ll be updating later this day to update you…… See you later.


So… To continue I went out to buy something, then It rained so I went to Mcdonalds to eat fries, burger and sprite. It was fun being alone doing my own business. I love it so so much. I feel relieve.I made a vlog of it and posted on my facebook and youtube channel. so thats it . I’ll go out again tomorrow.

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