People just want to hear what they want to hear

Hi! Diary,

Its been a while since I write again to you. Last month was a roller coaster journey for me. Lots of downs and few were also ups. I just realized that people just want to hear what they want to hear. I have this cousin who has a relationship with an old man and the old man as of now doesn’t have plans on marrying her. The old man became a CEO now. I am the only one who can she talked about anything and can understand her situation for I am also in an LDR reationship My lovelife is the normal one. Many years Ive been sugarcoating all of my views towards her relationship just for her to not feel bad but just recently I had enougha and Thought of giving her a realtalk. I know she was shocked but she needed that words to hear. after that she distance herself to me. I also deactivated all of my social media accounts so nobody can contact me or whatever. Maybe she mistook it and really had a hard time dealing with what I said, it was just a pattern all the time and its starting to be annoying. She’s stubborn and I’m fed up I also need to have peace within myself whenever she talks about how draining her relationship is I tend to absorb all of her negative energy so I needed to take care of my self. Ive been through a lot also in my previous relationship and cause me generalized anxiety and panic attacks. So now I am taking care my well being hearing her stories just drag me too low aand I feel like so down also. I don’t know and I don’t have any idea about if we will be in good terms again and I dont care anymore. I will focus on myself and for me to have peace of mind. Thy will be done if we will be oke again or not anymore.

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