“regressing toward the mean”

For if I try to seize this self

of which I feel sure, if I try to

define and to summarize it,

it is nothing but water

slipping through my fingers.

—Albert Camus

No better a friend and no worse

An enemy than that which seeps

Into the mind, often, out of the log-

Jammed looking glass gulag;—

Aw, the reflected object

Looks to be trying to grapple

With hanging, and is refusing to

Regress toward the mean.


Or not regress toward it.

But only because I’m too dedicated

To building out tangents; too

Content with this seat of nails

On the bus that’s idling beside

Buildings, where everyone is

Working and exhausted and

Struggling and sacrificing;

Leading and following,

Needing and borrowing.  And

Beating the sorrow.

Needing to succeed.


Every witness

I’ve ever been is

Tired from all of

The child’s play.

There’s no telling

The next time you’ll

Feel order in these

Moving parts.


But I will say this—this sad,

Sappy sorrow feels about as

Romantic, and pornographic,

And pitted toward destruction

As I can imagine a meeting

Between Heinrich Himmler

And Joseph Goebbels felt to

Themselves and all of those

Other blood-stained fascists.



—And abracadabra, a really really

Good glass of Bordeaux.

My Germans invade my French:

Parity is conserved again.

Another drink, drunk.

Au revoir to abstaining.

And succeeding.  Again.

I must’ve learned to love this


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