Spent the last few days, like a dedicated server,
dabbling in primarily Jazz and R&B—some
groovy joints and heady, outdated lyricism—
and for the first time in a long time I truly
felt what is meant by feeling in non-discursivity,
almost taking me back to the days of
Bertrand Russell and Wittgenstein-ian logic;
a fresh teeing-off point of logical atomism that
forms an undercarriage for understanding
impression, and more importantly, expression
around proper nouns and functional verbs:
verbs like break in regard to the heart or
shrug when it comes to the shoulders,
and shaking all of it off or allowing it to consume.
A dead-end can expose a breakable wall through art.
- Meaning has logical/psychological aspect.
- How do you make subjectivity further
divisible if you aren’t the subject?
- Felt presence is its own landscape; a
paper flower that resembles the icon.
- “Indication,” say, of rain, is a symptom of a
state of affairs. Ex: “X ∈ ŷ (øY) + ‘øX’”
- —A proposition fits a fact not only because it
contains names for the things and actions
involved, but that it combines them in a
pattern analogous to that which they are
“factly” defined.
- Ex (II): We make ourselves pictures of fact;
portrait vs. defined duplicant—ready to
proliferate & combine.
So, the dead-end can be broken through. Maybe?
Even the deepest inner sensations are equational.
If talent can manifest light, then all of life (and strife)
in theory, is malleable and reducible; can be almost
welded to becoming. It feels reductionist for obvious
reasons. Doesn’t feel that way at the time though, does
it? Seems like the narration makes you feel every little
bit of incremental death to its full extent, especially
when the moments get fuzzy & pixelated; and
especially when you actually want to die. Break this
into pieces. Reduce the abstract existentialism. Find
more and more ways to reduce it, Russell would have
expected the same. Just curious, what will you do with
the string theory of existence? Or where will you look
for better variables?
You lost me at about the first few equations. 😮
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