it’s the conditioning, kid;

You ask the wrong questions,

And at least I’m lulled away

From the dredge of sleep.


I couldn’t sleep anyway.

Not if I got paid to try,

Not if it wasn’t natural automata,


Not with all the sleep aids

And drugs and aesthetic sound-

Scapes. These make for proper sleep—


The type that leads to a morning-made bed,

Fixed, firing neurons, and

Unambiguous movement of joints—


Trying to dislocate your poor positioning,

And find that elevation.

Branding your book and burning your pages,


Your canteen filled with 38 oz.

Of H2O that you’ll refill

Three, four times; and maybe you’ll walk


Five miles today because doctor would say,

“This helps you clear your mind

And this is healthy.” Healthy is good. Today.


The right question,

The right fucking question

Would be, “are you okay, kid?”


I’d say my stomach hurts, I feel

I’m just chasing sunsets.

I’ll talk about the vein,


The big one in my hand,

From holding all of the guilt.

And then I’ll ask the wrong question.

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