I’m sorry;

Took the hits and sent a few punches

of my own.  Marked them with a kiss

because where I need to be is on your

lips.  This is going where it deserves to

go, to die.  But that doesn’t mean I

can’t color in the rest of the light.

Have a say.  Have sway.  Promote

“stay.”  Stay.  But no one ever stops

the procession, do they?: “speak now

or forever hold your peace,” “are

there any reservations from those

that didn’t bring a $500 check or

wrap up a brand new blender or

toaster oven?”  I damn near sought

out a way to sell my soul just to have

myself wrapped around you again. 

But I can be thee for whom the bell

tolls.  Dying with dignity.  Or dying

in general.  I just need a bit more

nudging.  A little more healing.

Or a little more… something.

Why won’t this stop hurting?


Don’t want to feel like my hand is forced

It was fair to be alone—the most fair.

  • Superior anatomy: where habit

breaks its back over and over

[and over] again.

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May 28, 2024

Sadness is beauty but pain is just plain not good.