Fortunately, I’m preserving this.
Half of the sound got donated to silence.
The other half is pronounced like a fissure;
it bangs dumb, it bangs drum, bang: a hum.
Pensacola, from the beach, and then I’m
transported to Southern California on the
sweat of another banging drum,
on another beach, and then North; I
remember seeing the hands in the sidewalk,
their concrete. Los-fucking-Angeles,
bumming off of its actors that starred in
their cinema stays. They’ll stay as long as a
measure on HBO, on Cinemax, on Netflix,
roof blown off the box office; I could count
all of the fills on a particle board; but storied
until silenced.
I’m out here in Little Town, USA, eaten
until I’m dead. I’m fine—
storied until silenced, and indented.
Bloated with angst, place my minutia in a
silver coaxial, we’ll all eat, maybe.
What happens if no one says a thing?
Shows no interest?
Do we not bring out the stars? //
Newspaper of record telling us of all the
backseat lovers, and however godly it
was—a near-miss backfired.
Always backfired.
Always… Fuck.