whacha been up to?

Mmm… ya, just checked the last time I logged in and wrote an entry (besides that last one yesterday)…. and wow, a whole year.


So, let’s get to it.  2009 was an exciting year…

Started out with being rehired at my old company.  After 7 months of being laid off it was nice to have a paycheck again.  I was hired back at a lower post, which meant less money, but less stress.

Ya, so that didn’t last long.  Three weeks into it, I got called into the HR Director’s office.  A department head had a melt down (physical and mental… and a total bitch, so don’t let the screen door hit ya in the ass!), and they where hand picking me to replace her.

So much for nice stress free job.  So, I got promoted, above what I had been before I had gotten laid off.  The problem was, I was now boss to 17 people. All women. (not to be sexisted… but women are mean to each other).  Like BJ (before she left her job), I inherited a broken office, and for the last year I have put it back together.  And if I say so myself, I have been doing a very good job.

Now, if you read that post from yesterday, you would see that I bitched about being demoted.  Demoted in title only, in fact my responsabilities grew… damn reorganization.  But it could be worse.  My new boss is my old boss from years ago.  I was his right hand man then, and I am again.  He is someone I truly respect and admire, so if the worse of it is a 12% decrease in pay, then hey… I can deal with that.

OH, there is one silver lining…. I am HOURLY again, which means I only work 8 hours (vs. 11)…so at 3pm I walk out of this bitch.  Hey, take the good with the bad right?

What else… mmm….

Something kind of important… after 8 years together, Mike and I got married.  I’s married now!  Oregon has gay marriage, well almost… they changed the name to "Registered Domestic Partnership" to get around the crazy fundies.  Mike and I met down at the County building.  Just us and our friends Rhiner and Cindy (to serve as witnesses).  After words a few friends met us at Departure for happy hour.  Eventually we’ll have a real wedding.  The catalyst was we realized we could save alot of money on taxes if we got married (for State taxes anyways)… but it feels so much more. You know?  We didn’t think we needed the papers or rings… but man, the first time I glanced and saw Mike with his ring on it caught me in my heart.

Man, I am really the luckiest guy in the world.

What else… mmmm…. Europe!

Mike and I took a honeymoon, okay it was planned before we decided to do the deed, but hey I can call my European Vacation anything I want.

Two full weeks in Europe.  One week in Paris, One week in Amsterdam.  And yes, I did eat the space cakes, yo.

That was an incredible trip.  I will devote a whole post to that, plus pictures!!!!

In July I turned 30.  We threw an amazing party, with 50 of my clostest friends.  The party raged till 3 in the morning, and the last person to leave, the one who was having such a great time, who was drunk and raging….was my Mom.  Ya, I wonder where I get it?

I couldn’t wait to turn 30. I am fit, I am married, I am happy…. I wouldn’t change a thing about my 20’s.  And hey, I documented that decade of my life right in here in the OD.

The rest of the year went by in a blue.  Mike and I went to Jamaica again last January, compliments of Aveda (yay for Double Points day!). Had a better time than last year.  The same people worked at the resort, and knew us and remembered us by name.  Check out The Caves Resort in Negril, Jamaica if you so care to.  I highly recommend it.

This winter (as mentioned before), I have become a ski bum. Passion is what it is really.  There is no words, but I’ll try, to describe my affection for the sport.  See, I’m not a very gifted athlete (I know, with this rocking body you think I would be….that was a joke), and always was the the chunky kid that got picked last in sports.  Granted, other boys intimidated me, and that’s why I was shy, but that’s a whole other story.

But with skiing…. well, If I had had the money in Junior High/High School to support my habit, I could of been freaking Brody Miller. No joke!  I feel.. well, free when I ski.  There is alot in my life I have absolutly no control over, and I accept and know what they are.  When I am flying down the hill at about 45 miles an hour and absorbing every bump and twist with ease.  Well, I feel in control

I never thought I would have that level of ability or skill.  I love every minute of it.

Plus, who gets to say "You know, I got to ski 2 times a week for 4 months straight"?  My brother and I have bonded like we where kids again.  Actually even closer. We are both adults and we actually know each other as people, not just "Hey, that’s my little brother".

Also, and I know I am regressing  back to childhood, but I feel this is the first time I’ve gotten repect from my brothers, in regards to athletic ability.   See, both of them are very very talented athletes.  Always the best at anything they do. Tommy (my little brother) in particular.  He was that kid that could do it all, and now I am performing in a sport right beside him and in terms of pure speed and control, exceed him in ability.   He’s a snowboarder though, so he’ll never be as fast as me.

Okay, lunch is about over, and I got to get back to the grind.  But that’s what I’ve been up to.

Life is good. I have so much to be thankful for, and I appreciate it.


Now I’ve got to catch up on you all.

…. oh, and BJ, you’re right.  The arm is swinging back, and I think te old school folks are realizing that this place is special, and for sanity and creative reasons is needed.



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February 24, 2010

I’m so happy for you – what a lovely-sounding year! And wow, you must buy a LOT at aveda! 🙂

February 24, 2010

OMG you guys got married?!?!?! Congrats! Now we’ll really have something to celebrate. Will he still be out of town or will we get to meet him?

February 25, 2010

Random note. Congrats on getting married 🙂