today I helped make a difference

Cindy and I volunteer for a Foster Youth program that teaches Foster Kids to be adults…. you know all the things that parents do.


Anyways…. Cindy was supposed to teach a class on interviewing for employement this month.  She got an email that said:



—–Original Message—–

From: Joy at the Foster Program 

Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2008 7:27 PM

To: Cindy

Subject: RE: ILP foster youth



Hi Cindy I wanted to let you know that we are going to hold off on the

class for right now. We have a workshop that Clackamas Community College

is going to offer my youth in May and June about what you want to be

when you grow up and how to get there. It’s a 6 week course and we are

trying to get most of our youth to take that. They won’t be covering

employment stuff so hopefully we can get you to come this summer and

teach that. 


I know the class will be great. Hopefully we can get Eddie

back too the kids really liked him. You know it’s amazing when statistics say that only 54% of foster youth graduate from high school and ALL of my seniors are graduating. I attached the state stats sheet about foster youth. I teach

my kids that they can overcome statistics and prove to folks they can

make it. It’s just sad that we have no money to help them celebrate this

amazing success. What ever you can do to help we will really appreciate




I wanted to give you our flyer on the senior gift bags we are trying to

gather. We are also trying to put a celebration dinner or dessert party

together and want to give them these gift bags at the party. When we

only had 2-5 graduating would just take them out on my own but I can’t

afford it for 18. I just can’t believe we have so many this year. It’s

sad but a happy sad to see them graduate. This is the group I have spent

the most time with. I feel like I am starting all over again with such a

large group ageing out of the system. Do you remember in the book

Charlottes Web when Wilber the pig takes care of the baby spider egg

sack until they hatch? Then they all drift off into the air and only a

couple stay behind with Wilber. I am afraid that is going to happen with

us. I don’t know how many will actually stay with us in Clackamas

County. I can see a lot leaving. Most have no where to go but they will

drift away and head towards Multnomah County</st1:place>. I am just hoping we have

taught them enough. Time flies so fast. Well I better get going. Maybe

you could post the flyer in your work room? Talk to you soon.



Cindy responses that our company denied it as not in the  budget.


Joys response: 



—–Original Message—–

From: Joy At Foster Kid Program

Sent: Wednesday, May 21, 2008 2:21 PM

To: Cindy

Subject: RE: ILP foster youth



Thanks for the update. It looks like we need 9 more bags. I know

everyone is tight on money right now. It’s just a bad time of year to

ask for help. Below is an update of where we are at for the party.



What we have: We have a place to have our wonderful event donated!

Drinks, cake, and paper products.


What we still need: FOOD…… The party is from 6-8 and I would hate to

not feed them but if worse comes to worse we can just have a cake. We

would like to do possibly chicken and potato salad type food. But we are

open to any ideas or suggestions.


Last: We are also gathering backpacks filled with school supplies to

give to the youth as a gift bag. Most of our youth are going onto

college or trade school and don’t have the money for school supplies.

Most programs don’t donate school supplies for college bound kids so we

like to make sure they have a backpack all ready to go. With some fun

stuff too. Seethe attached flyer (need 9 more)    I



Thanks Joy


Cindy forwarded it to me.  It bummed me out, then I AHA moment!  I forwarded it to Mark, the owner of Crave Catering with this note attached:


Mark and Crave Catering:

Not sure if you folks would like to participate, but Cindy and I volunteer for this foster kid program in Clackamas County.  It’s a non-profit and they have no money.  But the good news is that their program is such a success that this year they have 18 kids graduating and going to college (usually it’s 2-5 a year)…


They need food donated for a small graduation party (see the attached email below).   If you could do anything, that would be fantastic.  No pressure though.  If you are able to, please let me know ASAP so I can put you in contact with Parrot Creek.


I have to say, that being a part of this program has really inspired me.  These kids have nothing (some live in dormitory type housing with 15 other kids, for their “foster parents” it’s a business.), yet they all are so smart and ambitious.  When Oregon foster kids have a 46% drop out rate, and every single senior in the program is graduating and moving on to college, it shows how important this program is.








I sat on Pins and Needles all day… waiting for the response.  Is it rude to ask?  Will he feel obligated?

Mark responded:



Hey Eddie,
We hate kids and think they are dumb.  So, naturally TORTURE by means of MORE SCHOOL and MORE HOMEWORK makes us very happy J
HA HA!  OK, I am sooooooooo kidding! 
I just got off the phone with my 19 y/o nephew who has NO motivation and NO job, but wants to buy my truck and make payments to me….  He doesn’t have much nor does his mom, but I am encouraging him to step up and be responsible for his own destiny.  My wife’s family has always given him a lot, so now he just expects.  It’s crazy how someone who may think they have it bad just sits back and lets life lead them around, while others who don’t have what most of us take for granted rise to the challenge and do so much with very little. 
Thanks for thinking of us and including us in this opportunity to celebrate such inspiring people! 
It sounds like a great group of kids, how cool is that!!!  All of them are graduating!  That’s Awesome!!!  We would love to help out with the Graduation party; I will contact Joy Haynes ASAP.  If there is someone else I should be in contact with regarding this event, please forward their contact info on to me.
Thanks – Mark



He’s so my new Hero.








Log in to write a note
May 22, 2008

You are so good. So good! You got credits in heaven for this one, for sure. 🙂

May 22, 2008


May 22, 2008

that is so great!!

May 23, 2008

Very cool.

May 23, 2008

Next week? Tuesday maybe?

May 24, 2008
May 25, 2008

ryn: I KNOW! I’m so excited and especially because I’ll get to see them outside in Central Park. That is ideal. The ad said they’d be only performing songs from ONCE. I wonder if they will throw others in. Unrelated: what is the HTML code for yellow highlighting like that?

August 6, 2008

I find this is the best way to make things happen. People ask people who ask other people. We eventually find the person who really needs to feel good by doing something great for others. Go you! And, it’s never rude to ask. The recipient of the request can ALWAYS say no. But, they won’t give if they are not asked. *S*