spring forward

This morning was perfect.  Blue skies, crisp cool air, and every cherry tree in full bloom.  It looks like we finally are driving out of the cold grey funk of winter and entering in the new spring.

it's spring, bitches!

But being that this is Portland, the blue skies will turn to clouds and it will rain till the first week of July.

But that’s okay… we won’t see a cloud in the sky again till mid-October.  It’s part of the deal.  Perfect summers… seriously, 85 degrees and no humity for 2 1/2 months. 

The drive in this morning was unbelieveable.  I had the sun roof open, music turned way up.  I even gayed out and sang along to Meika’s "Big Girls Are Beautiful". (Sample Lyric: "Diet coke and a pizza please. Diet Coke, I’m on my knees, screaming ‘Big Girls, you are Beautiful’……take your skinny girls and multiply her by 4, now a whole lot of women needs a whole lot more")

It makes me thankful that I’m able to live in this city.  It might not be a big as Seattle or San Francisco, but Portland has a vibe that can’t be matched anywhere else.  Except maybe Austin, Texas.

I am trying to work on being more organized.  Actually using the fancy day planner I bought 2 months ago.  That is one of my major flaws.  Lack of planning.  I don’t so much as map my schedule out as fly by the seat of my pants.  To this point, it’s been able to manage.  But, things are getting a little crazy and hectic, and I am going to have to start writing lists and such.  aggghhhhh.

Okay, I give up.  I’ll be "responsible". Jeeze.


Two weeks from Saturday I leave for New Orleans.  I’m friggin excited!



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March 25, 2008

Beautiful picture. We’re getting snow tonight. *Guh*~jo

March 25, 2008

Our whole little street is lined with cherry blossoms. They are so pretty and smell so good. I’m sad that they only bloom for like three minutes and then are gone. I’m ready for warmer weather too.

Your summers are only 2 1/2 months long?? That made me laugh out loud.

March 25, 2008

I love Austin… I tried to move away, but I just can’t. San Diego has a pretty similar vibe, but it’s so much bigger…

March 25, 2008

i’ve never been to austin. i know a lot of people prefer portland to seattle, but i’ve never understood it. however, it poured rain today in seattle, so i think i’d rather have been in pdx after all! 🙂

March 26, 2008

hell ya Spring!!!! Thank god – its like complete rebirth. Beautiful time of the year.

March 27, 2008

RYN: Me too! I’ll be sure to invite you along next time!! Sorry about that!! 🙂

March 27, 2008

That’s cool about your weather. It’s pretty rubbishy here still. Parts of the UK even have snow!! Here is just changes from sun to rain to cold to rain to sun… 🙁

March 27, 2008

Gorgeous photo!! You really do live in a great city. 🙂