So I didn’t die.

It looks like I’ve came out of the other side of The Sick.

And not a moment to soon.  I have had so much I wanted to write/talk about, but have been so dead tired and sick.

I just sneezed up a lung.  I think my body is trying to purge the gross from my chest and sinuses.

Oh, and I got a prescription for Sudefed.  Yes, Sudefed.  The good stuff that they make meth out of.  I never knew that it is like taking a valum that uncloggs your nose.  Who knew? 

We watched Atonement last night.  I only got through the first half hour or so… you know when the evil little sister accuses the hot guy from Last King Of Scotland of raping the little raggidy anne looking girl.  I was high on my prescription sudefed and went upstairs and went to sleep.  It looked like they where going to arrest the poor guy and I just didn’t have the energy to watch all the drama. 

Mike said it was a really good love story.  Oh well.

Speaking of Mike… here is reason number 4,674,356 why he is the most awesome husband ever….

Last week he had to go to Arizona on a very quick bidnezz trip. 

The week before that I casually mentioned that my grandmother is sick and in the hospital.  She had a heart attack and then went back into the hospital with pnemonia.

Just before he hops on the plane he calls and asked for my Aunt’s phone number.  He went and tracked down my grandmother and brought her flowers and stayed and visited with her for over an hour.

Now, I didn’t ask him too, and he had back to back meetings and was only in town for 2 days.  But he still made it out and made her feel special.

My aunt called me the next day and told me that Grandmother won’t stop talking about the visit and how it made her whole week.  And how Mike made her laugh so much that she had trouble breathing.  Yes, he is a funny guy.

How cool is that!  Ya, I lucked out, he’s (almost) perfect.


On the work front:

agghhh.  I don’t even know where to begin.  Well, there isn’t much that I can divulge.  Let’s just say work is work.  I’m being very productive, but still feel like there is so much to learn.


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March 22, 2008

I don’t know if I have what you had in the way of a cold/flu, but I think my brain melted and has been draining out my nose. 🙂 – – – –

March 22, 2008

You’ve got yerself a good man there.

What a sweet guy! You’re right, he’s perfect! Isn’t it weird to get a presciption for sudafed? I had to do that last year & they even wrote down my drivers license #. Geez!

March 22, 2008

Aww he’s a keeper! What a wonderful man.

March 22, 2008

Awww, that’s so cute. Mike is a great husband and you’re a very lucky man.~jo

March 22, 2008

since when did they make sudafed prescription? damn, it must be good!

March 24, 2008

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March 24, 2008

Congratulations! You were note 10,004 and won one month! 🙂

March 24, 2008

Now that IS sweet. Great too that your Grandmother is accepting. You’re a very lucky man. Cheers!

March 24, 2008

ryn: of course not. Just sent it on to Gawker. I can publicize ANYTHING and just like to prove it now and then.