quick entry

Bullet points tonight, since Ihave like 3 1/2 minutes to write this:


  • Waiting all dress up to go to Portland Rock Orchestra.
  • Our best friend’s daughter is a member.  She plays guitar and violin. And can sing. She’ll be famous some day.
  • Ended up buying Mike’s new car.
  • I’m selling his old one on Craigslist.
  • I think I have it sold, but won’t take the post down until the check has cleared the bank.
  • Work still….well, it doesn’t suck, but isn’t as awesome as it used to be.
  • They are no longer contributing to our 401(k).
  • They changed our health insurance to…gulp…Kaiser.
  • I’ll pay the $35 upgrade per paycheck to get their commercial plan so I can still see my doctor. I’m not putting my life at risk with them fools.
  • Been skiing TONS. 6 times up to the mountain since the Sunday after Thanksgiving.
  • Lost 10 lbs due to said skiing.
  • Need to drink more water.
  • Need to read more.
  • Kids are on hold because our adoption worker keeps cancelling and rescheduling our meetingings/interviews.
  • That’s okay, though.  We are kind of post-poning it until our trip to Jamaica in January.
  • Oh..we just booked a trip to Palm Springs in March…we could always cancel if the kids show up before then.
  • Throwing a Christmas party on Sunday.  Not the big blow outs like we used to, but a much more intimate group of about 20.
  • Jeeze… we have a lot of friends.  Which is a blessing.  


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December 13, 2011

🙂 – – – –

December 13, 2011

Did you get the X3?

December 20, 2011


RYN: I just might take you up on that offer! :o)