Remember the entry awhile back from where Mike and I got dressed up and saw Pink Martini at the private event.

Where I got REALLY drunk, took all those random photos with people I didn’t know, and generally made assary out of myself..

Ya, that night.

Well, Mike’s coworker’s wife emailed me and asked for the blog page.  Now that I’m trying to be more open, and welcome new people, I emailed back the link to the entry.

She had to sign up though…..

so she leaves me this message:

"Great pictures Eddie Thanks! it was great meeting you and Mike! I don’t know about you but I’m still picking up feathers from all over my house…..

BTW, the blonde woman in the picture with us is my friend Sharon Kitzhaber, Oregon’s former First Lady!!! [frpdx] "

That’s [frpdx] on the right….and the lovely ex-govenor’s (now ex) wife. 

Well, at least it looks like we are having a good time.

I’m going to crawl under a rock somewhere and die slowly of embarrassment.


And Fahti, if you see this, we had a great time too (From what I remember.) next time I promise I won’t be so…um, animated…

Also you must leave one entry in your OD so we can leave a message back. 🙂


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April 30, 2008


April 30, 2008

Even politicians wives need to have fun sometimes! I’m sure there’s a picture out there with Hillary getting drunk with a gay guy. lol

April 30, 2008

that is AWESOME!

OMG, how funny! You’re awesome. Wish I could’ve partied w/you guys! P.S. Have I mentioned how happy I am that you’re writing again? Cause I am 🙂

April 30, 2008

LMAO. I think its great that youre animated. (Sorry for the lack of proper punctuation. My keyboard has suddenly decided to become French today for some reason. So I get a È instead of quotation marks. Yeah. Fun…) And I love your glasses.

April 30, 2008

Fantastic photo! I’m sure you were the life of the party in the very best way. xo,

Hi 🙂

April 30, 2008

Too damn funny!

May 1, 2008

When are you ever going to learn? You’re too funny. At parties you should 1.) nurse your drink, and 2.) alternate each drink with a bottle of water. Not only will it keep you feeling embarrased the next day, but you won’t wake up with a hangover either. Damn, but I love Pink Martini! RYN: Yeah. It does look like a drug deal, doesn’t it? We hadn’t thought of that until you pointed itout. Cheers!

May 2, 2008

Oh, that’s silly. She’s probably having more now that she’s not married to a politician. 🙂

May 2, 2008
May 4, 2008

Tha picky won’t load 🙁