no thank you necessary


Sitting at our usual booth in our lunch spot, I turned to cindy and said "Shit. I should of driven my car, i had a lottery ticket I needed to check.  Although I know I didn’t win, since the sign didn’t reset to 15 Million on the freeway.  What would you do if you won the lottery?"

We sat for the next 10 minutes and talked about travelling, and buying a beach house.  The usual "What If’s".

As we where leaving our spot that two homeless people where walking up to cars and begging for money.

I turned to Cindy and said "Oh shit.  Run to the car before they ask us for anything"

She says "Just tell them no".

As we walked up to the car and got in they approached.

I rolled down my window and the guy says "Excuse me.  My sister and I are hungry.  Can you spare a dollar?"

I said my usual "Sorry, I don’t have any cash"  And rolled the window back up.

As we pulled out of the space I mentioned to Cindy "He was dehydrated. You could tell by his saliva at the corner of his mouth."

"They where pretty young.  They didn’t look like Meth heads, maybe they didn’t "

We drove down the block listening to the new Dolly Parton CD she bought at the concert.

"You know, Dolly wouldn’t of shoo’ed them off…. although they never would of gotten through her security" I said feeling guilty.

Sitting at the red light Cindy turns to me and says "We could go through Burger King and get them something".

We went around the block and settled on Arby’s.  I only had 5 bucks in my pocket and thought a Turkey sandwhich would be healthier than a whopper.

I ordered the sandwhich, which was $5 and pulled up the window. 

Cindy sighs "We should get them some water, you said they where dehydrated".  She pulls out another $5.

We get the food and catch up to them in the Burger King parking lot next door.  Wondering with their tattered belongings in their hands.

Cindy rolls down the window "Hey kids".  They turned and saw their face really for the first time.

Not any older than 20. Tired. Hungry. No meth face. 

We hand them the bag of food and the waters.

"Thank you so much" the boy practically screamed.  The sister, looking embarressed and sad just nodded.

As we pulled away and rounded the parking lot to leave we saw her taking huge gulps from the water bottle.

We drove back in silence and listened to Dolly sing softly of the coat of many colors. 

I whispered over to Cindy "Now I know what I would do if I won the lottery".


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I wish more people would do what you did. Sometimes we just need to pay it foward.

August 21, 2008

There is a spot downtown on Alder in front of the Rite Aid. There always seems to be a group of homeless kids there so whenever we have leftovers from going out downtown or from Jeff’s catered meetings, we head over there. We are always met with huge enthusiasm and many thanks. I am, coincidentally, working at the Project Homeless Connect event on the waterfront tomorrow. It’s really cool.

August 21, 2008

Aww. That was really sweet of you to do and it sounds like they really needed it. The angels are smiling down at you right now. 🙂

August 21, 2008

Yay for good Karma! And answering the question “What Would Dolly Do?”

August 22, 2008

*hugs* I love you for this.~jo

I’ve lurked here for ages, but this compelled me to note. I got goosebumps reading this. It’s so hard to want to help these days, knowing how many freeloaders and drug addicts are just looking for another sucker… but man, it’s so gratifying when you can help someone who really needs it. Thank you. This made my day.

August 22, 2008

That is so nice. I wonder if they were running away from home.

ryn: Wow, you’ve been doing some lurking too, I see! Actually what happened was I gave up my seat on the Executive Board in order to take on the hired position of Director of Operations. So now I work for the Executive Board.

this made me want to cry. thank you. this is something i do on a fairly regular basis. i followed a note of yours on another diary. hee. and if HE knew i do this on a fairly regular basis (seeing as he knows my very intricate and miniscule budget of extra moneys each month) he would want to strangle my sorry ass while polishing the halo i have suspended by my horns. and if you understood that, you get a cheesecake. 🙂