New Orleans entry, ya’all

we had the most amazing time in New Orleans.

The Conference… blah blah blah blah blah. blah.

Then Mike arrived… yay!

Mike arrived just as the conference break-out sessions where ending for the day.  We quickly walked over to the French Quarter (or "The Quarter" for the locals), and starting checking out the scene.

After mindless walker around, we stopped in the gallery of the artists who do the Blue Dog paintings. Sorry, totally blanking on his name.

After chatting with lovely person working in the gallery, who informed us "They haven’t killed a tourists in a while.  Remember, if they shove a gun in your face and ask for your wallet. Just give it to them.  Welcome to New Orleans!".

Not that reasurring… but you know.

We walked up to the Adult Disneyland that is Bourbon Street.

We found a fantastic littler martini bar called "Nepolian’s Itch".  It didn’t really fit with the whole drink cheap hooch out of plastic cup asthetic that Bourbon Street had to offer….  so we made it our home base for the trip.

If you look closely, you can barely make it out.

Oh, did I mention that while we where enjoying our cocktails we chatted up another Patron at the bar… turns out he was the general manager of the hotel, and offered us a two floor suite with a private balcony for the same price we where paying at the Hilton for a standard room.

The next day we walked around and checked out all the touristy stuff.

Like Bennets at Cafe Du Mont.

We enjoyed them sitting in Jackson Square.  Oh, and if you are smart (which I am not), you will not see the statue of General Andrew Jackson and say "Hey look it Abe Lincoln".  Oops… The tour guide gave me a look to freeze hell.

Here we are lookin all squinty with the big church behind us.

We took the St. Charles line Streetcar through the garden district. (and no, it wasn’t named Desire. I checked)

and saw crazy mansions….and Poppey’s.

We at some amazing food (warning…so not cute picture of me)

Back at the hotel for a costume change… our balcony was off the chain!

My favorite artsy pic that Mike took:

down the street:

We saw the movie "Rebooted" being filmed.  Funniest thing.. a dwarf in the green screen version of the robot uniform thing on smoking a cigarette.  The dude was about 3 fee tall.

Drinking the obligitory Hurricane at Pot O’Brian’s.  Side Note: How do you trademark the phrase "Have Fun!"  Really?

Now a little wobbaly.


 to be cont……


oh…and just for the hell of it, here is a pic of Mel (the little Hawaiian girl) Jevon, and Elizabeth at last years Christmas party)  Elizabeth and Jevon are meeting with her oncologist next week to discuss treatment plans.  Keep your fingers crossed.  We love this girl.

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Beautiful hotel! I love how the green cushions contrast with the gray, white and black. I love me some Popeye’s biscuits! I have to stay away from that place so I’ll gain 50 pounds.

April 29, 2008

Dear God they put way too much ice in those drinks. Keeping fingers crossed.

I meant or. I need a coke.

April 29, 2008

They are exactly as I pictured them, the houses, or mansions rather. Ahhh old money. Gotta love what it can get you.

Gorgeous photos and you look absolutely hot in the photo you don’t care much for. It’s phenomenal that New Orleans has pretty much overcome Hurricane Katrina. I see Popeyes advertised on cable all of the time, someday I shall go eat there just for it’s kitschy’ness. (I know not a word, but..) I would fall in love with those balconies. What a gorgeous city!

April 29, 2008

New Orleans is a great town. I have an uncle that lives over there. Beautiful. I haven’t been since the Hurricane, but it looks like they’re cleaning up pretty well. No thanks to FEMA I’m sure (but I digress) Thanks for the congrats. 🙂 Belive it or not there are some of us non bible thumpin folks stuck in the middle of jesus land. haha. non conformist. not everyone is Phelps.

April 29, 2008

You guys look great and what fun! One of your photos is taken ~50 meters from where we used to live – although it was since condemned and leveled. 🙂 Lots of good food and fun! Fingers crossed for Elizabeth, of course.

April 29, 2008

Oh and I think you’d appreciate this: The Desire streetcar is now a bus line. Love that, I always wondered with Tennessee Williams would think.

Oh man I loved this entry! My sis has lived in NO for over 10yrs & I’ve never been…can you believe it? I think after you have one of those drinks all you CAN do is HAVE FUN! I love the look on Mike’s face w/the empty cup. Those houses are amazing. I want one. I wonder how much. I bet they went down a lot after the hurricane. The last one is my FAV! Thanks for this, I love pic entries!

April 29, 2008

love all the pics. thanks for sharing!

April 29, 2008

and P.S. you and mike are THE cutest couple EVAR!

April 30, 2008

I love it all. RYN>>>>OK! I am calling you and asking for the number of your dentist.

April 30, 2008

Great photos! You and Mike are TEH CUTE together! And you are a sexy little minx – not a bad pic of you in the whole bunch. Fingers crossed for Elizabeth!

May 1, 2008

looks like a blast. glad you enjoyed my hometown!