Important Milestone

 Today is a super special milestone… they terminated the rights of the birth parents today.  Which means the kids are now legally free for adoption. It’s all just paperwork now! 


Whoo hooo!


The kids turn 6 months in 2 days.  I could say time has flown, and it has and it hasn’t.  You know? Still waiting for the first tooth, and for the kids to be able to hold on to their bottles.

But, they are sleeping through the night, so all is well.  That really was the most difficult thing about the first few months, being sleep deprived.


A few weeks ago we went down to Ashland, Oregon and visited Tomaz and Diana (I think I used to refer to them forever ago as "The Brazillian and his wife"), while there we met up with the twins biological siblings and their adoptive family.  Their mom and I have become very close and talk on the phone several times a week.


tomaz, diana, and little bella


the twins' 9 year old brother, aiden

the twins' 2 year old sister, mia


bottle break on way back from ashland.  5 hour trip, and the kids did awesome!


Mike got to go to Disneyland as part of an Intel conference a couple weeks ago.  They had a private party, and then after the park closed they kept 4 rides in California Adventure open just for the Intel group until midnight.  


I’ve been keeping myself busy with random cooking projects.  I made pickled veggies as well as Boeuf Bourguignon from watching the pilot episode of Julia Child’s tv show on my iPad.



I’ve been taking the kids everyday to Forest Park and doing a 5 mile loop.  I’ve put on 20lbs since the kids came home, and now trying to friggin loose it!


RJ has a lazy eye, and we are getting it patched (guess who’s going to be a pirate for halloween!) next month.

Abby has turned us into mush.  She is going to be Daddy’s Girl.


Can you believe the Puppy is so big?  He’s only about 9 months now.

Early March:




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September 26, 2012

Big congratulations to you, M, the kids and pups! 🙂

What big changes! So happy for you!

September 26, 2012

🙂 – – – –

September 26, 2012

Wow… major milestone! Congrats guys! They are flippin adorable, as you know.

(Are his ears tied on top of his head?)

September 27, 2012

Hooray update!! And everyone is adorable. *smoosh*

September 28, 2012

Thanks for all the great pictures. The babies are cuties – as are your dogs…

First, congratulations on the babies! They are absolutely adorable. Second, ryn: The iTunes Match is a savior, and it works so flippin well. Our devices are 16gig units, too, so it makes it really nice to only have our favorites on there, with the ability to access the rest if we need/want to. It’s pretty easy to get it all set up, but if you need any advice along the way, feel free to ask. You’re starting in a much better place than I did because I assume that your iTunes is already set up with playlists and whatnot. That will make it much easier to just flip the switch. Do it on the computer first, and once it appears that everything is functional, flip the switch on the phone. You can then check it by making a change on your phone and watching to see if it happens on the computer and other devices.

October 2, 2012


October 15, 2012

What a gorgeous family you have! 🙂

October 27, 2012

Yay, congratulations to all!!! RYN: Yeah, I accidentally posted it before it was done. I’ll probably finish it on Monday, depending on how nutty crazy I am at work. (God…no…)

November 16, 2012

i want to pickle the absolute **** out of some veggies. any tips you want to throw my way? i’ve never pickled a thing in my life, unless you count my liver, and that’s more of an ongoing project. also: oregon! hello! i’m in wa-wa-warrrshington but i have a total crush on oregon, big time. guess who’s going to be a pirate for halloween! i… really hope you did this. really, really. that is altogether too excellent. my older sister needed lots of eye surgeries when she was wee, and many of them involved needing eye patches, but my parents never dressed her up as a pirate. mistake.

January 17, 2013

Update update update pictures pictures PICTURES! *G* *Hugs*