I start tomorrow.

Just got back from Jamaica… I’ll write soon about it.  But I wanted to pop in and announce…


I am employed again!

My old company approached me today, ya the one that laid me off, and offered me a new gig.  Not as high on the food chain (which is totally fine by me. Less stress).  Less money (but with this economy, I’m happy with it)…

And I start tomorrow.  They can’t wait to get me back through the door.


Yes. The realized how much I rocked, and a position became available.  I know the pay scales…and they offered me about $10k more than the pay schedule is for this position.  Ya, they want me back.

To bad it’s not making what I made before…. but who cares! it’s a fucking job. And insurance.

And lots less stress.

I knew something would FINALLY come together.


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January 13, 2009

Yeah! Congrats and I hope you enjoy the new role in the new year. Always good to hear from too. 🙂 Best,

January 13, 2009

That’s great news! All of my friends who had anything are getting laid off, so… that’s awesome all things considered!

January 13, 2009


January 13, 2009

And you MUST write about the Delta agent.

January 13, 2009

Yay congrats! Hope you have a great day!

January 13, 2009

so excited for you! can’t wait to hear aout the job and the trip! PICTURES!!

January 13, 2009

congrats on the new/old job

January 21, 2009

I’m glad things worked out!

February 23, 2009

hows the new/old gig?

February 26, 2009

how is the new job going?

June 27, 2009

Dude, where did you disappear to?