Hot Summer In The City.

Because you love picture updates!

A few weekends ago we met up with The Brazilian and his wife for some breakfast down in The Pearl District, then walked around and I snapped a bunch of pictures.


I love my city.


Here I am walking away from the car.

The Brazilian and his wife (okay, Tomaz and Diana)

Mike and I waiting for Breakfast.


The Daily Cafe


After brunch we went for a walk around The Pearl District.  20 some odd years ago, the planning bitches put into plan an urban renewal area for the scary industrial northwest area.  Knock down a few buildings here, refurbish some there, build bright new shiny condo towers over there…. you get the idea.


Our first stop was Jameson Square, which has a pretty cool water foutain thing in the middle of the park.  I love that our city had the forethought to include parks in the area.  Jameson Square is where all the urban mommies take their kiddies. 



Mike and Tomaz watching the dogs and kids play in the fountain.


Walking away, you will notice that they covered the sidewalk in teak that borders the park and heads toward the just opened Metropolitan condo tower.

Tanner Springs park.  This is where the urban mommies get their bitching on.  The park is set up as a completly self containing ecosystem (very cool!)… which means no walking on the grass and no pets allowed.  Very serene and quiet.  The urban mommies hate this park.  They just can’t understand why their kids can’t play in the water.  Oh… it’s 2 blocks away from Jameson Square. Jeez… they want it all.


Doesn’t the Fremont Bridge look pretty cool in the back ground?  And I love how you can see the reflection in the building below.


 The Portland Street Car.

These two buildings (above and below) are my favorite of the rehabbed old warehouses.  Instead of Loft style, they made it psuedo-townhouses.  Some even have roof decks!  Around back their is an alley with garage access… perfect for those urbanites who don’t people to know they drive.




My favorite new building above.  The Casey.  The sided it with some kind of light colored wood vaneer.  Insanely buitiful, and the picture doesn’t do it justice. (above).

(below) People standing and waiting for a table at the Byway’s Cafe.

Walking back to the car, I stopped to take a picture of the mural painted on the side of 24 Hour Fitness (itself a beutiful redo of an abandoned warehouse)… can it be any gayer?

A 5 minute drive up the hill from The Pearl District is my house.  🙂

We finally finished the backyard…. who am I kidding? It’s never finished.

(below) Our outdoor living room. 

Katey (she wouldn’t hold still for a shot)


Lucy sunning herself in the grass.

Mike’s gardening addiction is out of control.  The lavender is insane right now!  Walking up to our front door the scent is powerful.

The front of the house.  It’s hard to get a good pic of the yard from angle on the street.

The view from my front porch.

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August 6, 2008


Holy Cow! That’s all so gorgeous!

Man, I live it the friggin desert. It looks like eternal spring there!! Wanna mail me some hydrangeas??

August 6, 2008

i want to come to a bbq at your house!!

August 6, 2008

Um yeah, screw y’all coming to stay with us. We’re staying at Casa de Screech.

August 6, 2008

You two make such a cute couple, you must get tired of staring into each other’s blue eyes 😉

August 6, 2008

Beautiful lavender! All the pics are great. You make PDX look good.

I sent you a friend request on Facebook. 🙂

August 7, 2008

Great pictures! I’m amazed how clean Portland is (at least in Pearl Square). Where are the homeless? Where are the boarded up buildings? Where’s the squaller? Love the hydrangas and lavender. Beautiful yard. Cheers!

August 8, 2008

i need to get to know your city better

August 11, 2008

RYN: The conference is in Portland, the hotel I’m staying at is in Tualatin. The company that owns our Holiday Inn Express owns the hotel in Tualatin also. And I know some HIExpresses are bad, but ours is nice.

RYN: no sh!t. Anyone willing to volunteer to make brunch for an unknown number of people? And only room for five cars? What the ever loving … Evidently there were even more egregious breaches of etiquette happening “off-list”. my friend couldn’t take it any more, she’s not going. also, if your invite has to include “no kids” then you can’t use the term “deets” YOU GET ONE OR THE OTHER YOU DO NOT GET BOTH

August 11, 2008

great pics. are you still losing weight? looking good

RYN: I KNOW!!! ME TOO!!!!! Ya know what I think it is? It’s people who are trying to recapture their easy-going party days, but they’re too uptight. She’s trying to have it both ways, be all Hey, it’s casual, but wear what I tell you to wear (BY THE WAY, WHAT THE HELL IS PLEASANT AND ELEGANT TO HER? SHE CANNOT SPELL!!!! SHE USES THE WORD “DEETS”!!!) I went to a party sort of likethis out in the boondocks for a whole weekend, and the instructions????: “Bring what you think you will need, there’s no such thing as a beer run” Best party ever. ALSO — YOUR FRIENDS BEING WILLING TO DO THIS IS YOUR PRESENT, YOU SELF-ABSORBED BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

no more coffee for me.

August 15, 2008
