Half ass bullet point entry

In this issue:


  • [SistaDelish] and Melissa came and visited me last weekend, and we had an absolute blast.
  • Hit up a grip (yes, it’s 1994 up in this mug) of restaurants and bars.
  • Mike is still out of town.
  • I had the Platelet Rich Plasma injection into my left shoulder on Tuesday.
  • Been in a Oxycodone haze ever since.
  • My shoulder fucking hurts.
  • My little brother came and hung out with me for 2 days to make sure I would be okay.
  • I’m stressing out about money.
  • I have the best husband in the world



So, Sista and Melissa finally came to visit. I think I’m in love with those two crazy chicks. First thing you can tell is that they are absolutely in love with each other. They have this weird shorthand with each other… and lots and lots of quick kisses that are shared between them. It was very cute.

Thursday night we hit up Departure, after stopping at the house for a costume change and lemon drops (hey, I had some lemons from Costco that I needed to get rid of). Departure always is an experience. First off, the place looks like the death star as soon as you step off the elevator. We scored an outside couch… although the couch did look like it either had a starring role in a porno, or had lots of creamy drinks spilled on it. We drank up some yummy cocktails and had some AMAZING chicken wing type things.

After that, we headed down to Urban Farmer in the lobby of the Nines Hotel (Departure is in the penthouse of the hotel). Great vibe, horrible horrible BEYOTTCH service. The too cool for school with her hooker boots waitress wouldn’t give Melissa the time of day.

We headed out to Mint/820 for more cocktails. We walked in and were pretty much the only people in the place. The bartender rocked our faces though. She was super cool, and I had my favorite drink ever, The Avocado Daiquiri. Yes, AVOCADO bitches! It was so awesome.

Then we headed to Pok Pok for dinner. We ordered wrong though…. the catfish dish was so fucking spicy you couldn’t taste any other flavors. The caramelized chicken wings though… DAMN! I mean seriously, these were mutant wings for a tyradactal wings.  But damn they were good.

I had to work the next day, so I left Sista and Melissa to their own devices till the afternoon.  

Hooked up with them in the afternoon for a little Apizza Scholls. The joint opens up at 5 and by 4 o’clock there was already a line.  I picked up Sista and Melissa at one of their friend’s bar that was under construction.  they had already been hitting the sauce (my kind of people!) and we headed up to stand in line.  We where the 2nd group in line at 4:15.  Sistah’s buzz was starting to wear off.  We decided to go old school ghetto and walk to the 7-11 and get big gulps, then to the liquor store (okay, not in that order) and pick up some Jack.  Then we rocked the Jack into the Big Gulps.  Suddenly I was 17 again.  4:30 on a Friday afternoon standing in line for pizza drinking Jack and Cokes out of Big Gulp cup. 

For the record:  The pizza was FANTASTIC. Worth the wait.  And the service has seemed to gotten friendlier. Yes, even their website is bitchy.

After the pizza I went home, and they went out drinking… they finally got home at 1:30 shit face drunk.  I would have been dissapointed if they hadn’t.

Saturday I took them to Bergstrom Estate, Penn-Ash Winerey, and Agryle’s tasting room in Newberg/Dundee.  The weather was unbelievable.  Sunny and about 60 degrees.  In MARCH!  The trek was supposed to be quicker than it was, but we had such a great time hanging out at Bergstrom et al.  that we just kind of went along at a snail pace and enjoyed it.  That was a nice change fromt he go go go go go of the rest of their trip.

We stopped off at The Kennedy School for a beer before dropping them off at the hotel. 


The rest of the weekend I cleaned the house in anticipation of Mike comming home.  God I missed him.  He had spend the previous week in China.

I picked Mike up at 7:30am at the airport. Came home and picked up the dogs and the 4 of us went to Forrest Park for our hike.  After the hike we came home and just hung out all day.  Mike was only home for 24 hours.  He did his laundry and we watched movies.  Pausing in the middle of 2012 for some HOT HOT HOT boom boom on the living room floor. 

We watched the Oscars and I fell asleep as they were announcing the winning lead actor.  Thank God for DVR’s.  And can I say, I am so happy that The Hurt Locker won!  It’s a fantastic movie, and if the warmed over, yet visually stunning, Pochohontis retread that is Avatar had won I would of been pissed.

And what the fuck was up Clooney’s ass?  He came off as a total jerk through the whole telecast. Usually he seems like the nicest guy in the world.

I have been really struggling financially since the big reorganization, and salary cut.  I have just enough to cover all on thmy bills and no extra. I couldn’t even afford the $30 for a hair cut.  I was frustrated and voiced it to Mike.  He is such an awesome husband.  He just said "I’ll leave you some cash to get a hair cut" on Monday morning as I left for work.  His flight didn’t leave until 4pm and was going to run some errans. 

I had like $22 to my name to cover gas and food for a week.

I stopped off at the grocery store on my way home from work.  In the name of being economical, I picked up the 3 lbs ground beef in a tube, and some hamburger helper.  The twin size.  I had enough food, even if it was hamburger helper to last me a week.

I got home, and found $100 on the counter.  What a sweetie…

Then I opened the fridge.  And it was stalked with all these ready to eat meals.  He didn’t ask if I needed anything, or anything. He just knew that I wouldn’t be able to cook because the procedure on my shoulder and made sure I would be taken care of in his absence.  How cool is he?

I started to cry when I opened the fridge.  I am so lucky to have an AMAZING husband.  Who thinks of my needs and  makes sure I"m happy.  He is wonderful.


And it gets better… he picked up my dry cleaning too!


He is Arizona until 7pm tonight.  He’ll get home about 8, and then he is off again to China tomorrow morning.  I can’t wait for this series of trips to be over with.   I miss him.


I had the procedure done on my shoulder on Tuesday.  PRP they call it.  It’s better than having surgery, I guess, but JESUS!!! does my shoulder hurt.  Like ripping flesh kind of pain.  I have two scrips worth of Vicodin and Percocet (who knew that Oxycodone is generic for Percocet?)….  I have never had Percocet before, and I found out… it makes me throw up all my hamburger helper like I was a model on Project Runway. 

Damn it!  And that’s supposed to be the good drug!  Vicodin takes away the pain, but no fluffy pink elephant clouds for me… oh well.

My younger brother, Tommy, came and stayed with me for the last two days.  We regressed to teenagers again and smoked pot and stayed up all night playing videogames and watching trashy Most Extreme Videos on TruTV. 

What else?  mmmm…I got my car washed today. 



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March 11, 2010

Your poor shoulder, hope they fixed you. Everything else sounds awesome, and what a sweetie your boy is. Just what you deserve 🙂

March 12, 2010

God, I’m still dreaming of that fig cocktail at Mint. So so good. Thank you again for being such a gracious and lovely host. We had so much fun. I’m sorry about your shoulder and I’m sorry about Mike being gone so much. That truly sucks, especially when you don’t feel good and you just want someone to baby you. You are adorable.

March 16, 2010

Did you know that George Clooney is gay? Maybe he is tired of the closet. Miss you!